Sunday, January 2, 2011
Decontamination of water made easy.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Coal fired trains verses Diesel?
I know that Diesel, before the oil crises in the late 1990s, when it went up to almost $150.00 a barrel and before that time it was so cheap, I mean, it was really cheap.
I bought a diesel motorised camper van for that very reason, that is was a cheap fuel compared to regular petrol.
I am now feeling the whole world is being cheated by the greedy oil companies because Diesel is far easier to produce than any other fuel that they supply, but is now much more expensive than regular petrol. How does that add up?
But what can you do? They are the Big Boys that pull the strings.
But apart from that evil, I would like to point out to people of another corrupt practise that these controlling devil man are perpetrating. And that is using 'Diesel trains to haul the coal to the power stations'.
Com-on! WTF? Are they trying to tell us that it is cheaper to truck in massive amount of diesel to run the trains, rather than used Coal fired engines, when the coal is right there at their feet, ready to load up straight out of the mine???
I must be as stupid as the people in government that think this is the right way to do business. Or are they being told by the huge powerful coal companies that this is what they must do, their ordered to comply?
Thursday, December 23, 2010
A Physics question! Can you find the answer.

I know and understand completely the Sir Isaac Newtons three laws. 'anything put into motion, wants to stay in motion', 'A mass in motion acquires a resistance to stay going in a straight line', 'Every Action has an equal but opposite Re-action'.
As the weights are rotated, the top steel cable tethers and the bottom springs create a resistance. When you follow the direction of these forces, it become obvious that the weights have to be pulling in two different directions at once. One for the top cable resistance force, that is holding most of the 'straight line' force pull of the weights being created by the rotation. And Two, An upwards direction in line with the bottom stretched springs. And this is the key to why it works!
So, My Question is...
"The visible direction of the stretching bottom springs are pulling on the bottom shaft spindle in an upwards direction. Where is 'the equal but opposite re-action to that force that is coming from the stretching of the bottom springs?".
By Roy Savill.
The Very Centre of the Universe.
There are people on the Internet asking the question “Why is the moon not spinning?” And “Why do we, here on Earth, see the same side of the moon all the time?”
Who ever believes 'this story going around’, that the moon is an artificial sphere made by Aliens to spy on us. Is someone, who is not in control of their own mind.
The Moon turns a little but then moves back into place. Why? Read on...
I have a very enlightening ‘theory’ that the moon has an ice core; covered with a blanket of comet dust.
As you may have heard when NASA crashed a rocket into it, less than a year ago and found Hydrogen in the vapor that billowed upwards from that blast. Hydrogen is water, as we all know, so how did it get on the Moon? Answer: It has always been there from its time of creation.
I believe that most of ‘all’ the planets and Suns have an Ice core, and that includes Earth too. Earths crust can not and does not float on molten magma, and the rotation of Earth, which is a thousand miles an hour, would force the liquid Magma to bulge at the equator, and Earth would suffer severe devastating Earth quakes and massive spewing Volcano’s at the equator from all the pressure.
But, the crust can rest on frozen hydrogen, the ice core. And when the ice melts a little, we get a manageable, able to survive from, Earth tremors and quakes, as the crust falls down to fill that space. Don't forget, there are fissures stretching over the entire surface of Earth at the bottom of the oceans spewing out hot (Not Salty) fresh water from the core.
While I'm here talking about Ice Core planets, I might as well tell you another theory I have...
There WERE many other universes, but not other Dimensions. Unless there are other universes surrounding this one that we are in, that is So far away we are unable to detect it.
We all know it is impossible to go back into our minds and imagine the beginning of everything. The universe had to have had a beginning, didn't it? So where did it all come from, and what started it? Can't see it can you?
As we have been told by the experts that the universe is expanding. Well yes, I can understand this theory, if it all started with a Big Bang that is. Huge bits of rock and ice matter blasting outwards, some huge bits spinning slowly, and the small bits faster. You can see that, right?
So there must have been a magnificent unimaginable massive ball at this beginning, that contained All the matter in the universe, all in one spot. And then something caused it to explode outwards that we call “The Big Bang”. And the result of that is what we are seeing now as our visible universe. A little like that fruit cake that expands in a hot oven, each piece or lumps of matter traveling in every conceivable direction possible and is going deeper and deeper into space, getting further away from that first Bang, that will still have at its core, the biggest chunk of matter you can imagine. It will always be there, ‘The Very Centre of the Universe’.
And will always have the strongest gravitational pull attraction, compared to all the other trillion pieces that was blasted out.
When the universe has proceeded to its maximum distance away from that centre point, getting ever slower, because of that centre cores gravity pulling at it, it will then stop and then will begin its long journey back to where it all started, but this journey will get faster and faster. When all of the stars and planets collide back into the centre again, will cause the next Big Bang, and this is the time when a whole new universe is created once again.
Do you want to know how long time is? There has been many big bangs before and there will be many Big Bangs to follow this one we are in now.
Prediction. Artificial Moon? Balderdash!
Why the Moon does not spin (But Is turning) is because one side of it (The side we never see) is very much heavier than the other side, because of having been bombarded with massive amounts of Comets, compared to the side we see. Earths gravity tugging on the moon is like 'a ball on a bungy string' and Earth is tugging it along by the sweeping effect of Earths gravity. And as you should already know, balance is a very small place indeed, in every circumstance, and the heaviest side will always be forced to swing away to the far side, as physics predict. This is what has stop it from spinning, if it ever did spin in the first place. Mercury is the same.
The far side of the Moon has massive amounts of
Comet dust making it much heavier than the side we see.

Very thin layer of Comet dust on this side of the Moon.

By Roy Savill.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Need to know more truths about this world?
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
God has many tricks up his sleeve. This is just one of them!

Deep Ocean Vents surrounded with beautiful Life!
9 Kilometres down and even more in other places, on the ocean floor all over this planet, where fresh hot water pours out from vents or fissures with no trace of Sodium Chloride (Salt) in that water, that has been spewing out for thousands of years ‘creating more oceans’ while the ocean floor drops down little by little (Earth Quakes, Tsunamis). Where NO life or eggs could ever get too or float down to, because of the extreme pressures from the water above, and the extreme coldness and darkness.
But life in their hundreds, of different life forms or species spontaneously begin, live and then die, is a God given miracle.
The water that is coming from the Ice core of Earth, and is full of Amino Acids of many types, that are essential for life.
Is also full of 'Oxygen' for the creatures to breathe, and Photons for the heat. Which was collected over thousands of years by the Sun hitting the crust, that has filtered through it and down to these great depths.
Either way you think about the life that is 'definitely' down there, I can only think of two ways they are there.
1. The mix of Heat (Photons), The Oxygen and the fresh water coupled with the cocktail of Amino Acids has grouped together to create this life. As I have said before, Spontaneous life forms.
2. From the melting of the surface of the ice core has released these life forms that was put there thousands of years ago as Eggs. And because of the special mix enabled the Eggs to hatch. If you can think of another way they got down there then please let me know.
Additional pondering information.
Most of you know about Cryogenics, where we can freeze a human embryo or eggs that can be stored sometime for up to 10 years and then defrosted, implanted into a woman's womb and she then gives birth to a healthy baby.
There is a video on the internet (I can't find it again) that I watched about a year ago, it was about the amazing survival skills of creatures, and it told of how African children walked along dry river beds picking up fish eggs that popped out of the dusty clay and then digging some more they find a clump of them. These river beds are sometime dry for up to 10 years. When the children get back to their village they put the eggs in a kettle place it on the fire and wait for it to almost boil, quickly taking it off and look inside to see tiny newly hatched fish swimming in the water. Deep Ocean life near Vents isn't as strange after all. Life seems to be forced to excite.
Scientist can not believe either of these scenarios because it is unscientific. You can not explain the presents of or the existence of God scientifically. But must except it as being real or not. But to me... He just is!
This is life on planet Earth, and is still giving birth to more life and this is how life started thousands of years ago.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Space Age Technology Spacecraft Drive engine.
Have you the mind to challenge my claim?

Isaac Newton said. “For every action, there is an equal but opposite re-action”. The 're-action' to the weights pulling on the bottom stretching springs is that this action is pulling them in an upwards direction. This lifts the entire machine off the ground because there is no visible downwards re-action to this force, only gravity. Can YOU see one?
The weights have two distinct actions to re-act too. One is the horizontal Centrifugal force being applied to them from the vertical rotation. And two, from the resistance force that is coming from the bottom springs.
The weights actually have to tilt and pull upwards to adjust to this action.
By Roy Savill. Inventor of Space Age Drive force abiltities.
Try this explaination, it might make you believe that I am right.