Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Coal fired trains verses Diesel?
I know that Diesel, before the oil crises in the late 1990s, when it went up to almost $150.00 a barrel and before that time it was so cheap, I mean, it was really cheap.
I bought a diesel motorised camper van for that very reason, that is was a cheap fuel compared to regular petrol.
I am now feeling the whole world is being cheated by the greedy oil companies because Diesel is far easier to produce than any other fuel that they supply, but is now much more expensive than regular petrol. How does that add up?
But what can you do? They are the Big Boys that pull the strings.
But apart from that evil, I would like to point out to people of another corrupt practise that these controlling devil man are perpetrating. And that is using 'Diesel trains to haul the coal to the power stations'.
Com-on! WTF? Are they trying to tell us that it is cheaper to truck in massive amount of diesel to run the trains, rather than used Coal fired engines, when the coal is right there at their feet, ready to load up straight out of the mine???
I must be as stupid as the people in government that think this is the right way to do business. Or are they being told by the huge powerful coal companies that this is what they must do, their ordered to comply?
Thursday, December 23, 2010
A Physics question! Can you find the answer.

I know and understand completely the Sir Isaac Newtons three laws. 'anything put into motion, wants to stay in motion', 'A mass in motion acquires a resistance to stay going in a straight line', 'Every Action has an equal but opposite Re-action'.
As the weights are rotated, the top steel cable tethers and the bottom springs create a resistance. When you follow the direction of these forces, it become obvious that the weights have to be pulling in two different directions at once. One for the top cable resistance force, that is holding most of the 'straight line' force pull of the weights being created by the rotation. And Two, An upwards direction in line with the bottom stretched springs. And this is the key to why it works!
So, My Question is...
"The visible direction of the stretching bottom springs are pulling on the bottom shaft spindle in an upwards direction. Where is 'the equal but opposite re-action to that force that is coming from the stretching of the bottom springs?".
By Roy Savill.
The Very Centre of the Universe.
There are people on the Internet asking the question “Why is the moon not spinning?” And “Why do we, here on Earth, see the same side of the moon all the time?”
Who ever believes 'this story going around’, that the moon is an artificial sphere made by Aliens to spy on us. Is someone, who is not in control of their own mind.
The Moon turns a little but then moves back into place. Why? Read on...
I have a very enlightening ‘theory’ that the moon has an ice core; covered with a blanket of comet dust.
As you may have heard when NASA crashed a rocket into it, less than a year ago and found Hydrogen in the vapor that billowed upwards from that blast. Hydrogen is water, as we all know, so how did it get on the Moon? Answer: It has always been there from its time of creation.
I believe that most of ‘all’ the planets and Suns have an Ice core, and that includes Earth too. Earths crust can not and does not float on molten magma, and the rotation of Earth, which is a thousand miles an hour, would force the liquid Magma to bulge at the equator, and Earth would suffer severe devastating Earth quakes and massive spewing Volcano’s at the equator from all the pressure.
But, the crust can rest on frozen hydrogen, the ice core. And when the ice melts a little, we get a manageable, able to survive from, Earth tremors and quakes, as the crust falls down to fill that space. Don't forget, there are fissures stretching over the entire surface of Earth at the bottom of the oceans spewing out hot (Not Salty) fresh water from the core.
While I'm here talking about Ice Core planets, I might as well tell you another theory I have...
There WERE many other universes, but not other Dimensions. Unless there are other universes surrounding this one that we are in, that is So far away we are unable to detect it.
We all know it is impossible to go back into our minds and imagine the beginning of everything. The universe had to have had a beginning, didn't it? So where did it all come from, and what started it? Can't see it can you?
As we have been told by the experts that the universe is expanding. Well yes, I can understand this theory, if it all started with a Big Bang that is. Huge bits of rock and ice matter blasting outwards, some huge bits spinning slowly, and the small bits faster. You can see that, right?
So there must have been a magnificent unimaginable massive ball at this beginning, that contained All the matter in the universe, all in one spot. And then something caused it to explode outwards that we call “The Big Bang”. And the result of that is what we are seeing now as our visible universe. A little like that fruit cake that expands in a hot oven, each piece or lumps of matter traveling in every conceivable direction possible and is going deeper and deeper into space, getting further away from that first Bang, that will still have at its core, the biggest chunk of matter you can imagine. It will always be there, ‘The Very Centre of the Universe’.
And will always have the strongest gravitational pull attraction, compared to all the other trillion pieces that was blasted out.
When the universe has proceeded to its maximum distance away from that centre point, getting ever slower, because of that centre cores gravity pulling at it, it will then stop and then will begin its long journey back to where it all started, but this journey will get faster and faster. When all of the stars and planets collide back into the centre again, will cause the next Big Bang, and this is the time when a whole new universe is created once again.
Do you want to know how long time is? There has been many big bangs before and there will be many Big Bangs to follow this one we are in now.
Prediction. Artificial Moon? Balderdash!
Why the Moon does not spin (But Is turning) is because one side of it (The side we never see) is very much heavier than the other side, because of having been bombarded with massive amounts of Comets, compared to the side we see. Earths gravity tugging on the moon is like 'a ball on a bungy string' and Earth is tugging it along by the sweeping effect of Earths gravity. And as you should already know, balance is a very small place indeed, in every circumstance, and the heaviest side will always be forced to swing away to the far side, as physics predict. This is what has stop it from spinning, if it ever did spin in the first place. Mercury is the same.
The far side of the Moon has massive amounts of
Comet dust making it much heavier than the side we see.

Very thin layer of Comet dust on this side of the Moon.

By Roy Savill.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Need to know more truths about this world?
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
God has many tricks up his sleeve. This is just one of them!

Deep Ocean Vents surrounded with beautiful Life!
9 Kilometres down and even more in other places, on the ocean floor all over this planet, where fresh hot water pours out from vents or fissures with no trace of Sodium Chloride (Salt) in that water, that has been spewing out for thousands of years ‘creating more oceans’ while the ocean floor drops down little by little (Earth Quakes, Tsunamis). Where NO life or eggs could ever get too or float down to, because of the extreme pressures from the water above, and the extreme coldness and darkness.
But life in their hundreds, of different life forms or species spontaneously begin, live and then die, is a God given miracle.
The water that is coming from the Ice core of Earth, and is full of Amino Acids of many types, that are essential for life.
Is also full of 'Oxygen' for the creatures to breathe, and Photons for the heat. Which was collected over thousands of years by the Sun hitting the crust, that has filtered through it and down to these great depths.
Either way you think about the life that is 'definitely' down there, I can only think of two ways they are there.
1. The mix of Heat (Photons), The Oxygen and the fresh water coupled with the cocktail of Amino Acids has grouped together to create this life. As I have said before, Spontaneous life forms.
2. From the melting of the surface of the ice core has released these life forms that was put there thousands of years ago as Eggs. And because of the special mix enabled the Eggs to hatch. If you can think of another way they got down there then please let me know.
Additional pondering information.
Most of you know about Cryogenics, where we can freeze a human embryo or eggs that can be stored sometime for up to 10 years and then defrosted, implanted into a woman's womb and she then gives birth to a healthy baby.
There is a video on the internet (I can't find it again) that I watched about a year ago, it was about the amazing survival skills of creatures, and it told of how African children walked along dry river beds picking up fish eggs that popped out of the dusty clay and then digging some more they find a clump of them. These river beds are sometime dry for up to 10 years. When the children get back to their village they put the eggs in a kettle place it on the fire and wait for it to almost boil, quickly taking it off and look inside to see tiny newly hatched fish swimming in the water. Deep Ocean life near Vents isn't as strange after all. Life seems to be forced to excite.
Scientist can not believe either of these scenarios because it is unscientific. You can not explain the presents of or the existence of God scientifically. But must except it as being real or not. But to me... He just is!
This is life on planet Earth, and is still giving birth to more life and this is how life started thousands of years ago.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Space Age Technology Spacecraft Drive engine.
Have you the mind to challenge my claim?

Isaac Newton said. “For every action, there is an equal but opposite re-action”. The 're-action' to the weights pulling on the bottom stretching springs is that this action is pulling them in an upwards direction. This lifts the entire machine off the ground because there is no visible downwards re-action to this force, only gravity. Can YOU see one?
The weights have two distinct actions to re-act too. One is the horizontal Centrifugal force being applied to them from the vertical rotation. And two, from the resistance force that is coming from the bottom springs.
The weights actually have to tilt and pull upwards to adjust to this action.
By Roy Savill. Inventor of Space Age Drive force abiltities.
Try this explaination, it might make you believe that I am right.
Friday, October 15, 2010
It’s just expanding Oxygen.

So I thought I would put my question up here and on my FaceBook pages, to see if there are any physicists or scientists that are interested with knowing what is actually going on inside ‘The Internal Combustion Engine’.
Maybe I wasn’t explaining it clearly enough for them so they could get a good mental picture and then ‘see’ what I have discovered. After all ‘a mental picture’ is the only way to see it.
So please excuse me here as I might come across as over simplifying my explanation.
A scientist should already know that Oxygen at ground level or sea level is already under extreme pressure. Each individual oxygen molecule has to support the entire mass weight of the oxygen that is surrounding it, and the depth of the Oxygen above it from sea level is around 90 miles high.
When Oxygen is mixed with an inflammable substance such as petrol, and a flame is added to that mix, all of us know this mixture will burst into a vigorous expansive burst of fire. Who hasn’t seen a fire breather that squirts fuel out from their mouth onto a flaming stick that triggers a ball of fire?
It is the Oxygen that is being burnt and the fuel is the catalyst for that release of concentrated energy, that was collected by plants that once grew many thousands of years ago. And after thousands of years the accumulation of that decomposing layer of plants turned into oil, and that oil was refined to give us Petrol.
Just briefly. The plant leaf collects Photons by spreading a thin layer of Hydrogen over the leaf, and this Hydrogen captures and then converts the Photons into a form of Electrons that the plant uses to build more of itself. This conversion of Photons also happens in the clouds that can become charged up with massive amounts of Electrons, (Electricity) and we see this high charge as it is being downloaded onto the ground as Lightning.
When we burn Oil or Petrol we are actually releasing those ‘plant made Electrons’ back into their original form; the Photon, which is the substance of all life on this planet. The ‘God Particle’ we call Light.
When Petrol is mixed with Oxygen and taken inside the cylinder of an engine, and the Piston then rises and compresses this mix, and a spark plug is used to ignite it, this is when the magic happens. If there is too much vaporised Petrol in that mix, it will burn ALL of the Oxygen instantly and will not give off an efficient expansion force to push the piston down to be used to drive or force the wheels to turn. But if there is a ‘just right mixture’ of Oxygen and Petrol then around 50 % of the Oxygen in that cylinder will be burnt, leaving the remaining; already compressed Oxygen, to expand extremely rapidly to take up or fill up the space where the other Oxygen was, which was already compressed down by ‘the atmosphere’ and then the extra compression of the Oxygen from the upward movement of the piston inside the cylinder.
This rapid forceful expansion of the remaining Oxygen is so powerful it will then pushes the piston down, that ends up turning the wheels of the vehicle that makes it move along the road.
Does anyone get what I am talking about? It’s the immediate surrounding expanding remaining Oxygen that causes the Atomic Bomb when detonated to give off its massive blast effect. It’s not anything else.
Monday, October 11, 2010
The World is full of Mysteries.

Dolmen Rock Formations are just one of them.
Still baffled today as to why these were made, by village peoples all over the world. Even though these people never ever met one another to convey their reasons for building them, for these other civilisations to copy this idea, But they all had the very same thought as to why they would need them and should build them.
From Korea, Japan, China, England, France, and Germany to Ireland the list goes on.
So many theories that are wonderful to contemplate as for their reasons, and most of them were erected around 4000 plus years ago. Not forgetting at today’s heightened or increased gravitational strength force, these rocks now weigh up to 30 to 50 tonnes and would have been impossible for the people then to have lifted them up to place on top of the virtual support stones.
So, I might as well put forward my thoughts and theories why they built them…
Just briefly though, explaining, because I have already written so much about the lives of ancient man and of these wonderful mysteries in our world going back 36000 years, when I believe planet Earth was still being constructed by God.
There are links here at my Blog that will take you to all of my written works, but be prepared to be confronted with very startling information of things that happened over those 36000 years, because they are completely opposite to anything anyone has said or that you have read in the past.
These Dolmen rock formations were built by Villagers to protect them from something they witnessed in the sky, and that thing was Venus. Over many years of observing this star like Godly vision (because it was so very bright) the people noticed that every time it appeared in the sky, after disappearing for a few years (Orbiting 11 thousand miles faster than Earth)when it reappeared it was noticeably much closer than before and getting ever closer. And I am very sure, there were many village council meetings about what was going to happen to them if it got too close, as all the other peoples all around the world came up with the same conclusion, the absolute worse scenario they could imagine seemed to be coming true, that this thing in the sky was going to crash onto their lands and destroy them.
By Roy Savill.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Earth Has Indeed an Ice Core. Here's why!

What Wikipedia says about Tephra.
'Tephra' is the microscopic dust particles expelled from Mount St Helens in the Steam Clouds that reached up to 70 miles away.
Scientist are still calling it 'Ash' This is wrong! It's Tephra.
This is part of an email I sent to CSIRO for their comment. Received no reply so far....
Anyway, I am now studying 7 days a week sometimes 14 hours a day, ocean currents, its heat transfer and the golf oil spill that seems to have slowed the ocean currents by half. Plus the biology of the water that is pouring out of the thousands of miles of deep ocean vents, and I have been emailing as many professors around the world who have been lucky enough to have been involved with this subject and I asked them for some information to the salinity of this extremely hot water that enables life to exist there in vast numbers.
When I first observed the videos that have been presented on the Internet in wonderful abundance and very clear and colourful, I was quite puzzled to why the funnels that are being built by this flow, have very little visual evidence of having a salt/ saline/ sulphur content in their construction, and I wondered if the water was possibly mainly fresh water.
As you already know I have been making some pretty unusual claims that Earth has an Ice Core rather then a molten on.
Well… Low and behold the truth has now been revealed, that I am right. The lab’ examinations of the contence of this vent water are indeed ‘mostly of fresh water’, making it impossible for it to have originated from any kind of looping process taking the water from the salt laden ocean water. It can only have come from the melting of the surface of the ICE CORE.
This is causing the ocean floor to steadily sink down, making the depth of the ocean ever more greater. This is how oil was created thousands of years ago when the ocean floor was dry land where forests grow, but gradually sank under the sea by the slow melting of the surface of the ice core. See my previous post here. 'A Quick Note About Earth'
Deep Ocean Vent or Fissures. Spewing out extremely Hot Water.
Which incidentally, supports my claim that Mount Saint Helen 1980 eruption, was caused by the massive build up of melted core ice that created unimaginable Hydrogen/Oxygen steam pressure that blew 4 cubic kilometres of pulverised rock (Tephra) laterally and why after this event there was a high formation of dense cloud above the creator that stopped President Jimmy Carter from flying over it in a helicopter to see all the damage it had caused. ‘STORM CLOUDS’ quickly appeared from a calm cool and clear sunny day.
From May 21, 1980, here is CBS News on the eruption of Mt. St. Helens!
Mount Saint Helens 2004 venting off steam. As long as it does this the pressure is released from deep underground.
Dave Crockett, Escaping from the 1980 St Helens Eruption.
This video link is a short story (22 mins) about Mount Saint Helens before and after the 1980 eruption. Listen to the words "Steam" coming out from the mountain and how much flooding water there was. Not only from the melting snow, but from the mountain itself. Also note how heavy the dust is as people begin to clean it off the streets. Ash is very light, but Tephra is very heavy.
But please, if you have information that can debunk my findings, please go right ahead.
Hoping you are well.
Regards Roy C Savill. Independent Researcher of Everything.
Information derived from…
Professor Anna-Louise Reysenbach studied botany and microbiology.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
A Quick Note about Planet Earth.

There were many lakes, that began to grow larger and larger because planet Earth was absorbing ever more heat from the Sun by the ever growing sediment the plant life and animal life deposited when it died, and more heat could be trapped by it, that penetrated through this sedimentary coating which became the crust, and that melted more of the surface ice under it. Where this melting occurred caused the sediment land to subside and fall down very slowly, and as the space under the crust grew, the deeper the lakes became the water was pouring out from fissures which are 'still there' under the oceans, filling the lakes with all that melted ice. Any forests that had been growing and producing this very thick mat of decomposing vegetation, that had been growing there; near the lakes, were eventually taken down by the expanding size of these lakes, sinking it down with the land continued.
The golf of Mexico oil, and the North Sea oil and gas, that is over one and a half miles below the surface of the water, is covered with many meters of sediment, and this is the proof of this Earths evolutionary process events that of course happened over a very long period of time.
So much more to add to this story because Earth could not have started its life where it is today. Earth had to have started its life as an very large Ice Moon, and would have had to be very far away from the Sun, otherwise all that Ice would have been vaporized away by the intense bombardment of Photons from the Sun if it was this close to it.
PS: Most Stars and Planets are also made with an Ice core. Drawn in ‘somehow’ from the matrix of Hydrogen that is throughout the universe. It was recently discovered by the NASA and Japan joint venture to explode a rocket on the Moon and they have detected H1O. Take Note: Scientists say "Plants produce Oxygen" Ask yourself. Did plants ever grow on the Moon? No never! So how come there is Oxygen there?
This also means that our Moon has an ice core too, that has been covered by comet dust. It’s sad to think that all the efforts from our Astronauts that landed on the Moon were walking on nothing but Comet dust, and even brought back Comet dust because that was how it got its surface covering over the ice.

Monday, October 4, 2010
BackPackets Round fruit Gravity fed Conveyer Assistant.
BackPackers Friend.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Carbon Capture is easily done!

I too have realized that my government here in Australia is also going along with this hideous evil plan to control the population with lies and deceptions. The promise they envisage of wealth and power is too much for these stupid selfish greedy humans.
I now understand why the questions I am asking our top scientist at CSIRO, a Mss Cathy Foley. And why no answer is forthcoming, after about a year and a half of repeated emails asking for an answer.
The question is…
WE all should know that a good day of substantial rain will capture and bring most of the carbon up there out of the atmosphere. A good wash, so to speak. And knowing how this happens, would it be a good idea to funnel the smoke from the burning of the coal at our many power station, to be pumped up inside the massive cooling towers that is used to condense the steam back into water, created by the coal fire heat, and maybe increase more artificial rain with a showering system at the very top of the towers. And then use this downwards force to pump the water back up after filtering the carbon out, using my ‘centrifugal water cleaner machine’ which could also be run by the falling water, using something like a bucket driven paddle wheel.
Then, when the carbon has been filtered out from the water, to put it back into the coal delivery trains that would be empty after unloading the coal, put it into the bogies, which will always be going back to the coal mine for more coal and dump the carbon back in the hole.
Why would this not work?
Roy Savill
Something to think about. Part 3. Oxygen.

But in water such as the oceans, it will stay being a Photon. A Photon can only be captured by Hydrogen molecules when the Hydrogen is in a gas form or free from being a liquid. And hence the ocean is not a gas, so the Photons do not get captured for conversion into Electrons or possibly even Oxygen.
They will just travel around in a straight line bouncing off this and that, and eventually escape back into the atmosphere off the surface of the ocean or lake (or out of matter). This is when that exiting Photon will also cause more Hydrogen to become air born and rise up to become a measure of ‘moisture’ or ‘humidity’ in the atmosphere, and will eventually be collected by some ‘Electrons’ to then become the clouds. You might have read about this example in part two of my notes at FaceBook.
Everything that is of mass that is above Zero Kelvin of temperature means there are Photons inside of it. Absolute Zero means there are No Photons inside at all.
A human body uses Oxygen as a lubricant. Drawn in by our lungs and sent into our blood stream. Our muscles need Oxygen to function (Lubricate) to stop the thousands of fibres from rubbing together. You may know when you have exercised heavily, your muscles become hot and painful because a lot of the oxygen has been forced out and the fibres are rubbing together and breaking down. (Breaking down and back into Photons. This is the heat we feel) Our brain uses oxygen to keep all the stored Electrons separated, such as thoughts and memories. If you are deprived of oxygen for too long, the oxygen diminishes and the electrons will start to touch each other and short out, sometimes fatally to life, or it will cause some brain damage and or memory loss.
By Roy Savill.
This picture below is what outer space looks like under extremely magnification.
Something to think about. Part 2. Hydrogen.

A link to the movie here.
The Hydrogen atom repels, but the Electrons are an ‘attraction atom’ that can lock on to the Hydrogen atom and over power its repel force, and if there are a lot of Electron atoms rotating around a hydrogen atom, then this molecule configuration will then begin to pull into itself more near by over powered by electrons ‘Hydrogen’. This is why clouds clump together, and the more Electrons there are that the Hydrogen is forced to carry the stronger the attraction force is, until the cloud has become so condensed, it will become a concentrated mass of Electricity, and exhibit this high electricity charge by either, discharging that over balance force onto other clouds that are carrying less ‘electrons charged hydrogen’, or if there are no clouds for it to discharge into, it will be forced to create lightning bolts and discharge that massive force onto Earth’s surface, and we all know what that looks like.
Something happened in this Hydrogen full universe that caused it to become concentrated to such an extent; it formed snowballs, which became Ice planets. Earth was one of those ice planets that also had a huge amount of Electrons too. This massive Hydrogen/Electron collection is what is creating Gravity, and because of that gravity it has become so strong it can condense the hydrogen down so much it has become oceans, lakes, rivers and rain. The Oxygen atom is another story. Possibly it is another atom that was always here in the universe but can be destroyed by the bombardment of a high intensity of Photons. This is what we know as Fire. I am still working on what happens to Oxygen when it is burnt. I think it is turned back into Photons again because I believe that the Oxygen atom was made by the combined molecule of Hydrogen and Electron configuration.
A foot note.
You can see lightning because as that massive powerful amount of electricity passes through the atmosphere, it shatters the Oxygen atom back into Photons, then this light or ‘Photons’ travels to your eyes and is converted into Electrons as it passes through the ‘hydrogen bubble’ in your eye, that is then sent to your Pineal gland, and then to your brain for memorizing. Simple logic, don’t you think? Your brain can not see Photons, only Electrons. The BIG BANG from the lightning is the surrounding supper compressed Oxygen falling into the instantly created vacuumed space and stopping with a forceful thud as it is filled.
By Roy Savill.
PS: Should I call this…”Science for the dummies” ? Or would that be insulting to the dummies?
I am looking for a writer that can edit this effort of mine and improve the way it is written. Please have a go if you think is worth while doing.
Something to think about. The Photon.

Light, being Gods gift to all life throughout this universe, is unfathomable only because it can not ever be captured and brought to rest for anyone to study its make-up.
A Nuclear blast releases enormous amounts of Photons that, if it strikes the body that is un-protected by a lead shield, will instantly enter the body and cause a great deal of damage to the tissues of all the body make up. Sunlight will damage the skin if we expose our body to too much of its rays. This we already know is the cause of most skin damage and can destroy some of the weaker cells that can mutate and become cancerous; such as Carcinomas or Melanomas.
Whenever you see a spark coming from a lighter to light a cigarette, those are Photons. Whenever you see shards or shafts of bright sparks coming from a metal grinder, you are seeing Photons. Whenever you light a candle or a Camping lamp you are causing Photons to be released from the Wax, or the Oil. Both these flammable and burning fuels are made from Photon (Light from the Sun)
You are able to see the Photons because they are entering your eye’s and travel through the Hydrogen (Water) that captures and converts the Photons into Electrons, then they are hitting the nerve endings of the Retina at the back of the eye, that are then pick up as Electrons and they are transported to the Pineal Gland for processing.
Scientist and Physicists have always thought that the world is ‘So’ complicated and difficult to understand because they do not know what Light is. Many have stated that it is a ‘non-matter’ and it has no mass. Wrong, it ‘IS’ matter, but is so very small we have not the technology to see it or understand it. It is much more ‘simple’ than they have ever imagined and have gone so far passed and away from this fact ‘they’ and are spending countless amounts of wasted funds looking for something that is not there. Looking for ‘The God Particle’ and it is right under their noses, it is the PHOTON!
Any Questions? Feel free.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
In my quest to find more evidence...

And I saw a picture in my mind of Egyptians worshiping what some people think was the Sun, but I believe it was the Planet called Venus. Venus orbits the Sun just like Earth does, but is travelling around 11000 miles an hour faster then Earth, and they pass each other each time they orbit the Sun.

The arms or shafts of light that was depicted in these Egyptian wall carvings is telling us that Venus was grabbing things on Earth by a invisible hand. Can you imagine being them and wondering what the hell was going on, or do you think they had a good idea. They were, however, very clever people.

Do you believe that the moon is pulling upwards on you and the oceans on Earth? And you being 98% water so the moon must be pulling up on you too then? Well, imagine a planet that was the size of, and has the gravity pull strength of Venus, and was where the moon is now. But passing instead of orbiting like the moon is.
Do you think that you would feel the pull of gravity then? Try and imagine the conflict between the two Gravity forces, each pulling on each other, and Earth being the much weaker of the two. The weight of everything on Earth would react in a very strange way of becoming much lighter. Don’t you think?
Just dreaming again By Roy Savill.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Thinking to myself about the weather.

Sometimes it’s hot and humid, and other times it is cold and dry. And I was interested to try and find out what causes this change in the amount of hydrogen in the atmosphere, from being high and low humidity, because that is what ‘it’ is, lots of moisture = humidity, is a high concentration of hydrogen molecules, or atoms, if you wish that term better. And a dry day means that the hydrogen is at a lower concentration level. There must be a measurable amount of hydrogen that is at its lowest possible level and can not disperse any more, like we measure fluid contamination as in parts per million.
Because I believe that in outer space, between the planets and the stars, there will always be Hydrogen, and this hydrogen will be at its lowest naturally balanced and diluted measure, so very well distributed when far away from the influences of planets and Suns. An invisible sea of hydrogen gas, and this gas is being used by Photons to travel through.
But that’s getting away from my task…
We have to look at the Sun as being the instigator of weather related changes. Earth has been on a stable orbit for over ten thousand years, and the weather between that time has been quite good for life on this planet. OK, so there have been a few bad earth quakes that killed a lot of people, and terrible floods world wide, but we carry on to the next day because we expect things like this to happen, because it has always been changeable over the last 10,000 years.
Solar flares burst out from our Sun and hit Earths atmosphere, sometimes it disrupts our communication systems because of the high electron exchange going on in the atmosphere. When the Photons enter a hydrogen atmosphere, a lot of them will turn into simple electrons; electricity is another name for it. Earth can regulate the amount of Photon to Electron exchange by shielding most of it from getting in, so there will stay a balanced amount of simple electrons in our atmosphere. But when Earth is hit by a Solar burst it increases the Photons entering our atmosphere and increases the Electron count. It’s this high Electron count that disrupts all communications, whether it’s Radio or Television signals, to the current that’s running to your homes. This high level of Electrons will trigger an overload alert trip switch at power stations and turn them all off. Thank goodness for the Earths ionosphere hey? this hydrogen barrier that protects us from roasting into dust.
I’ve got to believe that Electrons are made of Photons because when they run through a poor filament in a vacuum, the Electrons are smashed apart as they try to get through the filament and turn back into what we see as light, and light is Photons.
My point is, why do ‘we’ think that humans have anything to do with the weather when it is already shown that God for the past 10,000 years, is doing a really good job at keeping us all quite safe and very happy. Its your problem if you are not happy, we make our own life.
It’s the greedy human trickers that are the problem, not the bad weather. That’s sorted.
Just keep an eye on the Sun and you will see, when it changes, so does Earths weather.
A little knowledge goes a long way.
By Roy Savill
Something impossible to imagine. Maybe.

The universe is full of hydrogen molecules, but there is also hydrogen being compressed together by the gravity of planets, and on Earth we see it as clouds, rain, seas and oceans.
Why we can’t see this mist of universal hydrogen, whether we look across a desert, or into outer space, is because light (Photons) uses the hydrogen to move through. It passes through in a straight line. This is why light travels, it is forcing itself to travel from one place to another, because it is a spinning off balanced atom, and because of that unbalanced form, makes it corkscrew its way through the hydrogen.
When we think we have vacuumed all of the atmosphere out of a sphere and there is nothing left inside, we haven’t, there will always be hydrogen left behind.
To be able to remove all the hydrogen, we would need a force greater then the weight of the entire universe that is pushing up against itself, just like, but a million times greater, trying to remove the hydrogen from outer space, as there is no oxygen to assist in its withdrawal.
Imagine that if you could see all the hydrogen around planets and Suns, we would see a sea of mist that only became concentrated the closer it got to a planet.
Without hydrogen, Photons would have nothing to push against and could not travel at all.
Can you see that? Think about a desert mirage on hot desert sand, the light getting to your eyes has been redirected a little because of the rising swirling hydrogen in the air and it is distorting the view. Think about how much force it would take to remove all the water from inside a sphere one mile below the surface of an ocean. To be able to have nothing but nothing inside that sphere would be impossible to achieve.
By Roy Savill.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Who Do You Call?
1331 12 93 1122/1711241 5 or 6 1321 or reversed.

I do not understand why there are so many people around this world who are still saying that they are not sure if aliens really do exist or not. Even after years of being interested with finding out all they can to accumulate enough knowledge about this subject to be sure and to give themselves a logical answer. And having gone through all the blatantly obvious real evidence of the facts, i.e.: of animal mutilations that were performed with abilities even our top world renowned surgeons can not perform, to Crop Circles of astounding precision and detail, that takes my breathe away when I first see them.
With the endless supplies of written documented words from high ranking people, saying what they saw, doing impossible things and shone so brightly. And countless video footage uploaded daily of strange crafts and lights in the sky that are doing things us humans can only dream about or only see in the special effects Sci-Fi movies.
Let’s put this into perspective here. An extremely hot to the touch door is telling us that there is a fire on the other side of that door. Right? Steam coming off water in a bowl on the stove, means, the water is hot. Right? We have the brain power to know these things through life experience, and when we see with our own eyes, a craft that is flying at speeds we think are impossible to do, because of own life knowledge of our supersonic multimillion dollar jet air crafts abilities of today. Then we must completely come to the conclusion and believe that these crafts are not of human manufacture.
So who is left in the, ‘choose who could be responsible hat’, that we can assumed is the culprits that has that ability to build crafts that defy our understanding? Yes of course, Aliens.
What, you are afraid!? Afraid of what? The fact that these creatures, with a very high probability are just like us in every shape and form, that has the ability to fly in crafts from one star system to the next and have had the ability to obliterated us humans off the face of the Earth any time they want, and taken this beautiful planet for themselves, and could have thousands of years ago.
But instead, seem to be there just observing us and encouraging us to awake up to the fact that they ARE real and are there ready to help if ever we become awake enough to that fact.
Stop being an idiot and believe they are real already, full stop. Then you can deal with your fears as well, and see that you are just being a paranoid controlled by others human. They are here to help us evolve, because they are and we are all Gods creatures, and they understand that more than we will ever understand. They have evolved to become supreme beings. And Supreme beings do not do evil things.
By Roy Savill.
New Study: Cell Phones Kill Honey Bees, Specific Frequency Located. -- Signs of the Times News
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Walking / Flying Robot Stabilizer that really works.
It is difficult to imagine with the brain how this works, but if you have ever spun the front bicycle wheel and then turned the handle bars, you can feel there is resistance coming from Centrifuge. This resistance gave me the idea of replacing the spokes on the wheel with springs so that when the handle bars are turned, the spinning wheel or weights (Hub being replaced with indiviual weights) will try and stay rotating where they are, and this action forced coming from the springs against the force of Centrifuge, will cause a reaction force back into the handlebars and the handlebars will be pushed back to where they were before.
Put this mechanism in the body of a Robot and it would take a constant forceful motion to push the robot over because the rotating weights will resist that command, until they have been forced to comply with that order.
See what I mean? No? Yeah I know, it’s mind numbing, but it definitily works!.
By Roy Savill. Inventor/Investigator/Discoverer.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Humans think like a Penguin do.

Sunday, June 20, 2010
Hypothesis to ponder.
Imagine Earth was once an Ice planet orbiting Saturn, just like Titan is doing right now.
And Earth also began to exhibit signs of primitive life forms growing on its icy surface, even though was extremely cold. And because of that life, was able to start collecting and converting the Photons and turning them into Electrons from the Sun to create more of itself, which in turn created more mass Gravity attraction to the Sun.
Being a large body of Ice, primitive Earth would have been at the most outer fringes of its orbit around Saturn, and at its most tentatively hold position by Saturn gravity pull, so it would not have taken much to give it enough strength from the ‘Isaac Newtons law’ straight line force resistance to brake away from that orbit, and then began a brand new orbit around the Sun to start on is long journey to where it is today.
And this would surely explain why Earth is tilted over some 24 degrees from the perpendicular orbit around the Sun, because when it was orbiting around Saturn, it was already going around Saturn at 27 degree angle to the Suns true gravity axes line.
And over time, Earth gradually lost its angled elliptic orbit, which would explain why it didn’t smash into all the other planets on its long journey, but passed through their orbital line when they were at another place in their orbit.
But the closer Earth got to where it is today the more in line it became, to being in a near perfect true orbit, and this is when it came upon the small planetoids where the Asteroid belt is and devoured them one by one to give Earth all the mountains and massively 2 mile high plateaus we see in South Americas Angle falls.
Just pondering a thought. Maybe it’s true, maybe it’s not. By Roy Savill.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Mars much softer. And, Plants make Matter from Sunlight.
I have heard reports from NASA that the Gravity of Mars is only 11% compared to Earths, but it’s not really that much smaller. I am sure even if Mars was the same size or larger, it still would not have the Gravity the same as Earth, because of that lack of gravity creating Electrons. With practically no atmosphere Mars can not manufacture Electrons like Earth can, which has an oxygen/hydrogen atmosphere, where plants catch the Suns rays (Photons) and turns them into Electrons that it needs to build more of itself
This massive amount of Oxygen on Earth was always here in the Core of Earth, which is frozen Hydrogen. Not Molten Rock. The only Molten Rock underground has been heated by the thousands of years the Sun has been shining on the ground, and has penetrated to a depth to accumulate as a blanket of very hot spots around the globe.
Just briefly... About plants.
A plant stem is a capillary device (a Strew) which keeps Oxygen out from between its internal fibres. Because of this, it causes a lower atmospheric pressure inside the stem, but lets the smaller molecules of Hydrogen in, and becomes vacuumed upwards, that draws up more moisture from the ground through its roots.
The evaporation of Hydrogen from the plants leaf also creates a small vacuum to draw more Hydrogen to the leaf from the delivered supply in the stem. The leaf spreads the collected Hydrogen over the green leaf and the Hydrogen then catches the Photons, that instantly goes into an orbit around the Hydrogen molecules, and joins up with all the other captured Photons, and binds them all together to make the special Electrons that the plant needs to grow. In this process, the Oxygen molecule that was attached to the Hydrogen, is pushed off and floats up into the atmosphere, giving us more Oxygen to breathe. But the plant did not make the Oxygen that scientists think they do. It just removes them from the Hydrogen. H2O.
There is an ironic story here. Every time we burn Oil, Coal or Wood, we are releasing the trapped Photons that the plant created to make itself and becuse of the burning, they are going back into the environment, but most of them, go back into space as light once again. There; to be captured by either another far away Planets plants, or a Sun will grab them in.
So, we might be already balancing the level of Earths gravity, just by burning anything that way back, were made from Light/Photons.
Essentially stopping the increase of Electrons, this is what is creating Earths gravity. But now I know that Earth is so finely balanced, any over re-action from humans will only upset this balance; here we are in the perfect orbit, with perfect sunlight to grow the perfect lives upon it.
This is Heaven, no doubt in my mind. What could ever be better than this place? If Heaven is somewhere else, then I’m really going to miss Earth when I die.
Meteor Rock found on Mars. Hard Nickel Iron.
From 2005 NASA Mars exploration.

When Venus came close to Mars, it unleashed its fury of electricity down onto the crust of Mars and scoured out Mariner Valley. This is a very good indication of the state of Mars atmosphere when that day of fury happened. Mars did not have an atmosphere, because the lightening from Venus had no barrier to defuse its venom, and struck with all its power onto one spot at a time. Possibly with a few veins from the main trunk of lightening as the bolt got closer to the ground.
Mariner Valley on Mars.

I am sure I am seeing in photographs the evidence of the debris that fell back to Mars from that Venus stick, gentle falling back with just a thud, and was not hard enough to penetrate and disappear into the ground, but shattered right in the middle of the crater leavening a little bump we can now see. A bulls eyes shot, someone once said.

Then it was Earths turn 4200 years ago, where Venus became so close to Earth it was able to strike as it did on Mars. Earths atmosphere was strong enough to fragment the fury of that immense downloading of Electricity, but it did leave its mark all over North Africa, Saudi Arabia, China and also South America and the Northern parts of America. Because of Earths gravity atmosphere, it was possible for Earth to absorb most of the Electrons being delivered and increased Earths gravity by at least 95%.

This is why the people that lived before that time could lift and move massive stones, because they were much lighter and softer back then. And this is also the reason why creatures could grow so incredibly huge like the Dinosaurs.
Have you seen my movie, explaining what I mean? Here it is… Tell me what you think.
By Roy Savill