Thursday, April 29, 2010

They don’t want to know the truth!

But to me they are completely wrong; about what has been described by guessing is the state of Earths core.
With many years behind me now of studying all the accumulated data and facts about the solar system, and with all the other outer planets and galaxies that the Hubble space telescope has been focusing on, then beaming these spectacular images back to our Earth base stations with absolute wonderfully improved clarity. It is now overwhelmingly obvious that there are NO planets that have a molten core. And I have been saying this for over 3 years now, but they don’t want to know this news. And will carry on with this very wrong notion the Earth has a molten core.
It has an Ice Core, full stop!
I have been studying, reading and watching the thousands of documentaries, movies and video clips of Earths Volcanos to try and work out why they occur and what triggers them into action. All of them are caused by the result of the pressurized steam. Mount Saint Helens is a classic example of this steam pressure build up that occurs many miles below the crust, when that continuous steam pressure overwhelms the resistance of the rock above it, after years of pushing upwards pressure, which creates the ever growing dome shaped mound on the surface, suddenly will give way and blow with the force of many atom bombs.

Earth was created millions of years ago from a cloud of Hydrogen Gas and dust particles. And without any doubt now in my mind, I have now come to the conclusion that it would have been completely impossible for Earth to have evolved from that cloud of hydrogen where it is now in the solar system. And it is also completely impossible for it to be of a molten rock core. Because, in outer space there is no temperature. There can only be ‘temperature’ if there is a Gas, which can trap Photons and concentrate those Photons. Just like Earth is doing right this very minute because Earth has accumulated an Oxygen Gas atmosphere. Photons are being trapped by it and because of that it then can penetrate the Earths crust, slowly descending to where it has now become a molten layer or blanket of Lava. .
Just for a twist in your own mind if you are investigating these eruptions of volcanos around the world, replace the idea that Earth has a molten core with having an Ice core one. It makes complete sense doesn’t it?

As you may already know, Titan, the moon that is orbiting Saturn, has been giving us quite a few clues into the construction of planets. It is an Ice planet that is spouting fountains of water when the Sun is shinning on its surface and the recent NASA orbiting surveyor has also detected Sodium Chloride in the fountains of water, that’s salt, that has been detected.

I have now no doubt that Earth was made the very same way as Titan was, and is being made, and I know that Titan will one day be able to pull itself away from its orbit and begin it long journey to develop as another Life living planet.

To cut a long story short.
Earth has an ice core, then a layer of sedimentary rock under crust, then there is a layer or pockets of molten magma, then there is another layer of rock crust above, which we are standing on. The ice core has been slowly melting over millions of years and sunken down to become ocean floors, the melting ice core is caused by the capturing of photons from the sun over millions of years that has created the molten layer of magma. Through cracks and fissures in the lower crust lets magma seep down to rapidly melt more ice and with that extreme photon temperature, turns the Ice to water and then into extremely highly compressed steam, that pushes the molten Magma above it upwards and will work its way, in time, to the surface of the upper crust by just brut force, and will explode out with the violence of many atom bombs.
Now, when you are observing the next big eruption coming soon of ‘Baby’ or ‘Child of Krakatoa’, you will understand more clearly how and why it happens.
Just thought I would seed your mind with the correct answer to this magical explosive Earth event.
Regards Roy Savill Australia. FaceBook me for more amazing answers.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Hoodwinked by The Stinkers.

Hood winked? Yes. These stinkers are your controllers.

With Earth being just like a battery, Electricity is all around us, in the ground and also floating in the moisture in the air 'Hydrogen' 'Humidity' what ever you call it is carrying large quantities of electricity. No Government scientist has yet let on that it is a synch for us to just pull the electrons out of the air and use it to run our homes all day, all year round. Electricity power stations do not make electricity, they too just pull it out of the enviroment and send it down the power cables to our factories and homes.

But the tide is turning; we are becoming aware now that this is true and real. Soon we will be able to buy a power genorator collecter unit from our hardware store, and just plug it in at home and never have to pay another over inflated electricity bill ever again.
Who wants to see that? Yeah me too.

Sorry, but the bad news is... The governments will not let you have these kinds of technologies. They need to keep you under their dictatorial oppressive controls.
Again, if you don’t believe me, look on the net for video's about ‘Electricity from water’ and you will see I am right. Here's some below...
The first one is upsetting to me.

By Roy Savill.

For Want of a Better Word for the visually impaired.

I really mean, people do not see all that there is to be seen. Most of you are missing the ability to observe everything that is happening right before you. Visually impaired or just lazy.

I’m sorry, but I can not hold back my utter dismay at these so called scientist experts, or all of the Vulcanologists, and of course the blind leading the blind, follow the dumb arse leaders, the Media. Who all keep on referring to the white smoke plumes that is being ejected out of Volcanos as ASH!
When a timber log is burnt, we are left with Ash. When coal is burnt, we are left with Ash.

But when a Volcano erupts, all that we are seeing in the plumes that is coming out of it is multigraded fragmented particles of rock and dirt. And with the recent Icelandic volcano, most of it was just dirty Steam! The very same stuff that comes out of your kettle.
‘Tephra’ is the name we should be using to discribe the matirial that is being carried up into the atmosphere amoungst the ejecting steam clouds. The Magma or Lava is being pushed out by the high pressure build-up of steam that is under the Lava. With every video that has captuered an erupting volcano, also records the released steam being emitted after the fountain or burst of lava. Go find a video and you will see it.

Come on people we should be intellegent enough now to call it what it really is. Lets say it together now…
‘T E PH R A’ dust. And for the dummies, the ‘ph’ in the word is sounded as eff. ‘F’.
Don’t believe me? Look it up.
Ho the humanity! Will they never learn? By Roy Savill.
More evidence that Earth was so very different millions of years ago.

The oil rig ‘Deepwater Horizon’ rests on the sea floor off the Gulf of Mexico in 1525 metres of water. That’s 1 ½ kilometers deep, and the drill had to bore through another 500 meters to get to the gas and oil. Somebody, anybody, please tell me how the oil; that is created by plant life, got so far down under the crust and the sea? Anyone got a better answer than mine? Hello? Anyone?

The Oil platform in the Gulf of Mexico that was destroyed by the violent explosion from the erupting highly pressurized gas (Just one spark did it!) that had accumulated from ‘plant life’ that had grown long ago, probably in a tropical environment for thousands of years, was land which is now the sea floor.
It would have been a vast expanse of swamp land, and the plants grew from the Sun but also heated the ground, which gradually penetrated deeper into the crust and became trapped there collecting even more heat (photons), to eventually become lava. But just above it was the thick layer of dead and decaying plants and was being steadily cooked by the heat from the Lava over the next few million years or so, to become the oil that without it mankind would still be living in the dark ages.

I can almost see that this wonderful stuff we call oil, that propelled mankind / us into future of magnificent and amazing technologies, was a deliberate act of manufacture by some super higher intelligent being. Why on Gods Earth was it made in the first place if humans did not exist to use its powers? In fact when I think about it, why does the universe exist? Humans are the only life form here that see and understand what IT is. I tell yu, it makes me feel a little bit more special to know that there is a God looking out for us/me, even the lost souls that have been seduced by the Devil and do the wrong things. You know about them don’t you? Or are you one of them? Don’t forget, humans never die; just the body,’ We’ get reborn into another newly fertilized human egg because we are organised Electrons. I’m feeling lucky, as I have been good all my life. What about you?

In the beginning, the crust would not have been very deep back then, but it gradually became thicker by the plants and animals that lived and died when the dinosaurs roamed. But because of that increasing heat, slowly began to melt the ice core below, and the land began to slip under the water that was being squeezed up and out through the fissures and cracks from under that crust, just like it is doing today, but is now doing it 1 ½ kilometres beneath the sea.
Oil and Gas is made from plants, it burns. Meaning it is ‘Constructed Electrons’ that was made from Photons from the Sun. This is the only things that will burn. Burning destroys the plant or animals ‘Constructed Electrons’ that are released back into Photons, that we can see or feel, as light or heat. (Heat, Light, is the same thing) Plants use light to grow, using the Sun. Plants are made from Electrons that was built from the light. (It might sink in soon). Ho that is, if you know better.
Our Sun is getting its Photons delivered to it from all the other Stars in the universe. How utterly brilliant is that that’s happening? Which means, ‘We’ are made from Light that has come from every conceivable corner of the universe.
I keep feeling special that I have been blessed to live and be able to witness Gods magic. How about you?
Just dreaming. Roy

Saturday, April 24, 2010

The largest stones of all time

Check out this very informative web site covering almost every massive cut and moved granite and basalt stones of Ancient civilisation around the world. Learn something wonderful. Click on the link...

The largest stones of all time

The magic of weightlessness, and it is all to do with the Electrons and Hydrogen (water).

Are you an open minded person? A person who has a good understanding of how things work in this complicated world of science and physics? Such as ‘Mass in motion’ or ‘Straight line resistance’ and ‘Every action has an equal and opposite reaction’. And, my all time favourite, ‘Gravity’. Because you are going to need it…To prove that what I am about to tell you, is not all true.

Part One.
Removing the ‘Gravity causing Electrons’ from almost any matter.
The Egyptians used it, and Edward Leedskalnin with his incredible ability to move, and cut up to and larger than 9 ton coral stones from out of the bedrock with second hand equipment and had no heavy duty motorised cranes or mechanical motorised winches found at his property of the famous Coral Castle in Florida. He used it too. As I explained to Colin Andrews by email.
“Hi Colin, I have been giving you clues right from the start”. I sent him some pictures I found from the secret Pharaohs chamber walls explaining how they used it in the pictograms form. The bulbus looking machine with the snake on its side, which they used to perform this incredible feat of magic to be able to move massive cut stones by levitating them.
This is part of my investigations on how they did these impossible feats. I have the answers that is more amazing then the the questions. Who wants to know?

Friday, April 23, 2010

The Creation Of Planet Earth. By Roy Savill

To view all my proof photos visit my FaceBook page under Roy Savill. You don't have to join to see them. It's free for all to see.
Hi Earthlings, I woke up this morning with a sudden realisation that after many years of thinking about this Global warming problem, and as to why there are islands in the Pacific Ocean that people say are being threatened by the rising of the Ocean, and the evidence is quite conclusive with the data the researchers have presented.
I was puzzled however with this odd happening, because there is no or very little evidence that this phenomena is happening in the Northern parts of the globe. And as the oceans are all connected and would all rise upwards at about the same time; give or take a few months for it to level out with the same increasing levels. There must be another answer to this odd happening.
My answer is.
The ocean floor is dropping down and taking the islands down with it, because the frozen ice core is slowly melting under the oceans, under the sea floor and the ground there is dropping to fill up the space where the core ice water has been melted and pushed up and out through the many vents or fissures.
I know that there are fissures and fault lines that criss-cross almost the entire length of the globe that are deep under the oceans, that are spewing out hot water that at that depth of sometimes up to 2 to 3 miles. Anywhere else, it seems, life does not exist, and I came to the conclusion that the spewing water is also supplying oxygen as well and this is allowing life to exist there.
With our desperation to find more oil to run our world civilizations, they are drilling exploratory wells in ever much deeper waters, and sometimes find a pocket of oil. How did this oil get so deep under the crust deep down under the sea when it IS made from plant growth? Do you think it was made from all the oceanic life forms that died and sank to the bottom and over time got covered with sediment, then became oil? No you don’t think that, nor do I.
So the oil that is found so very deep, must have been made when the sea floor was high and dry land, that was capable to grow plants for thousands of years and then this mass of sediment of plant life was slowly covered with water and gradually sank deeper and deeper that is now 2 to 3 miles under the water.
I know people are very resistant to my claims that Earth has an Ice core. But the more I research it the more I am convinced I am right.
I believe that the South American earth quake was the result of this sudden dropping of the ocean floor and thank goodness it is only in millimetres and not feet. If it ever fell in feet then that’s when Tsunamis would be huge, like 100 plus foot high.
I have a little chuckle at the people who say that the lives down there are living without the Suns energy. Daft buggers, Sun light (photons) has had millions of years to penetrate the crust and descend and accumulate down to that level, and have created a lot of very hot spots that we call Lava lakes under the ground. And sometimes it bursts out in the most strangest of places, like Iceland for one.

This is an email I sent to Oliver Vandeginste Professional Photographer. Who took the magnificent pictures of the lightning in the steam clouds billowing out of the Iceland Volcano.
Hello Oliver,
I have been telling people for years that our Earth has an Ice Core, 'Not' a molten one. And the recent Earth quakes at Haiti, China and South America are the result of the ice core under the crust melting. Because of the build up of heat from the Sun. Photons have been penetrating the crust for millions of years, and have concentrated to such a degree it has melted a blanket or layer of rock deep down in the crust. This heat sometimes gets closer to the ice core through vents or cracks and seeps down and melts some of the surface of that ice core, and this turns into pressurized water (Steam). This accumulation is best understood when you study the Geysers at Yellowstone National Park, and Mount Saint Helens eruption and the Krakatoa eruption. These are perfect examples of this process event happening before our eyes. This pressurized water mostly escapes harmlessly up into the oceans by pushing its way up through the thousands of miles of vents deep down on the ocean floor.

This loss of Ice, creates a space between the ice and the underside of the crust, and then will suddenly give way and fall down to fill up the gap. This is another way we have earth quakes and why the sea floor has become so very deep, because this process has been happening ever since Earth first began its life as an Ice planet, by generating and collecting ‘Electrons’ over the last 460 millions years when it was orbiting Saturn, just like Titan is doing right this minute.
But that's a long story; I have told a lot of scientists around the world about my theory and none have replied with why this could not be correct.
Anyway, When the crust falls down to fill that space from the vented melted ice, the downward force of the crust squeezes the molten lava like tooth paste in a tube, horizontally between that layer of melted rocks, and this will travel over many miles from where the earth quake happened, and this time it found a weak spot in Iceland. The same thing is happening in China, it too has had some big earth quakes and has fallen down and is squeezing the lava as far away as Vanuatu. There the sea floor has risen up more than 30+cm over the last few weeks and is still rising. We can expect another huge Volcano to erupt there soon I think.
Earth has a level of electrons, just like a battery, and with the mix of super heated high speeds jets of water (Steam) the concentrated electrons are released from one volcanic steam cloud plume to another, this is what creates the magnificent lightning we can see in your marvellous photos. The same process as to why there is lightning in storm clouds, it the concentration of electrons. Simple physics really.

below is part of that explanation and I hope you have the time to read at least some of it…

Now for something really special…

Have you ever wondered where all the Oceans, land, mountains, plateaus and amazingly beautiful 2 mile plus high rocky formations like Angel Falls in South America came from? Knowing that for millions of years all over this earth the lands are being slowly eroded away by wind and rain, and there is no evidence that there are new formations being created anywhere on this Earth, other than the sediment that is being created by the life that lives and dies and then becomes new dust and dirt.

Well, hold on to your seats! After many years of cross referencing the planetary movements and discovering how gravity is being created, by the Electrons, my investigation into this question, I have come to an amazing conclusion.
Most of it fell out of the skies. Except the water, that is; that was already here.

Earth was once just like Titan is today, an Ice planet that was once orbiting Saturn. It is now known that Titan has geysers that are spouting out jets of water. Even though it is millions of miles away from the Sun it has created for itself a very thin Hydrogen/Oxygen atmosphere, but is not enough to stop the sunlight (Photons) from hitting it surface, and every time the Sun shines on it, it melts a thin layer of ice, which releases some of the oxygen atoms from the hydrogen, and this is what is creating the thin atmosphere, and in that ice cold vapour, oxygen is released and also Electrons can be created.

Earths complex living dynamic system is still creating and increasing the atmosphere, and this happens in the freezing cold ionosphere. Ice from the polar caps are evaporated into very cold H2o molecules that are lifted up, in the summer months, to eventually reach the ionosphere and it is there that the Suns rays (photons) can hit and dislodge some of the oxygen molecules off the hydrogen, and this is how it creates more atmosphere.
You may already know about some of the deep lakes in the mountain ranges, and in the Oceans that at the bottom of the deeper lakes, there it is not able to support life because of the concentration of H1o or no oxygen hydrogen at all attached to it, this lack of oxygen, that was dislodged from the hydrogen in the ionosphere, can form clouds that rain down onto the mountain tops collect in rivers and streams to eventually collect in the lakes.
Hydrogen atoms are bunched together by Electrons, and it all depends how many electrons have joined the hydrogen and are spinning around that gives its ability to attract even more hydrogen atoms, the more electrons it has the larger the collection of hydrogen atoms. We see this happening sometimes when it rains, we sometimes see small droplets falling, and sometimes they are so small it becomes a misty soft rain or fog, and other times the raindrops are so huge we can hear the rain coming like a herd of stampeding buffalos.
The huge raindrops mean that the hydrogen has a large amount of electrons spinning around it. As I have said before, “everything that is stuck together, is being held there by Electrons, and it all depends how many Electrons are there that is doing its magic trick determents the strength of its matrix grip”.
Because the hydrogen molecules are without some or all of there oxygen molecules, after falling onto the ground and into the river system and then collecting in lakes, they drop to the bottom of the lake and this is why life can not survive there and why anything that has lived and died that drifts down there will not be destroyed by bacteria, because there is no oxygen for the bacteria to breathe. And this is why we sometimes find amazingly complete fossil remains of fish and animals that are thousands of years old. If there was oxygen there then there would be nothing left to fossilize.
I am not sure why the Hydrogen atom does not simply grab more Oxygen atoms to replace the ones it has lost; there must be a reason why it can’t do that. It may be that when it rains the atmosphere is too saturated with hydrogen there are no oxygen atoms available to grab and also when the water has soaked the ground they are trapped in amongst complete H2o molecules that will not release them to the H1o atoms or just H atoms, but still have enough Electrons spinning around them that keeps the mix all bunched together.

When fish push hydrogen through a membrane to breathe, its gills take the Oxygen off the Hydrogen atom. This seems to me, just a simple scrubbing process. I wonder what happens to the expelled hydrogen after it has had the Oxygen taken off it. Does it also drop to the bottom of the sea or lake floor because it is less buoyant than the H2o?

With more and more electrons being created, just like Titan is doing now, the beginning of Earth’s journey began with that amazing process that increased its gravity, and because of this increase; became strong enough for the Sun to pull it away from the gravity orbit of Saturn, and then it formed a brand new orbit going around the Sun.
Over the next few Millions of years, getting ever closer to the Sun, more and more Ice was melted and more and more gravity was created, more and more pools of water that became lakes and this is when and where life began.
But it was still only icy cold pools of water way back then, and the life that lived and died was only bacteria, which started to create sediment, many thousands of more years past; that sediment became pockets of land where other life forms could begin to evolve and become other life forms. Eventually crawling out of the water and becoming land living creatures. To eventually become the Dinosaurs we definitely know were real.

To cut a long story short we need to fast forward this evolution of Earth another 140 million years or so. By now lots of different life forms have been created, and there is now many large areas of dry land masses, (which was being built upon by the remains of the land living life forms. (Trees, shrubs, animals and insects), but there was still no high plateaus or mountain ranges yet.
Then, Earth came upon a ring of small planetoids and rocky asteroids on its long journey, and having a good gravity by now, it was able to grab these small planetoid rocks and pulled them down onto the surface to form these high plateaus and mountains that we see today, and a lot of the islands that are still here scattered around the world, that we humans are now living on; was created this way.
What remains of these planetoids and asteroids is what we know as the ‘Asteroid belt’ which is what is left to encircle the Sun in a ring formation just passed Mars.
I am also thinking that the life that grew on Earth before that encounter with these planetoids, were the dinosaurs that were roaming all over the Earth, but after that violent collection of rocks and asteroids that rained down on earth, most of the dinosaurs were killed off, and only the smaller animals were able to survive, living and being protected by a few shallow caves while the rock rain event had past.
End of part one…
Dream on by Roy Savill

Thursday, April 22, 2010

I believe that they have cracked it.

You have to believe that they have cracked it, haven’t you. With all this continuous flow of suicide bombers that give up their lives so easily for a pointless; does not change a thing causes. The ability to be able to control a persons mind and direct that 'changed mind' to become a weapon. To go out to somewhere and blow up innocent people and themselves as well...
It is very difficult to interrogate a successful suicide bomber, to find out about their past and to see what state of their minds he/she was in. I am almost certain that there would be blatant indications that a persons mind has been altered, and a signature signs of 'who' did it to this man or woman. Wouldn’t you think that too? No! Not too bright then are we? I don’t care what country these people come from. I think about how humans have inbuilt ‘The desire to live!’ Who in their right mind would volunteer to take their own life? Only those who are mentally disturbed, and these kind of people don’t make very good solders. They can not be trusted to follow orders.
But if you have trained a young fighting men, that was already vulnerable and gullible, and then changed their mind set, then you’ve got yourself a Suicide bomber.

This ‘thought’ was born from an evil mind, began in Germany during the Second World War. The Nazis ordered their scientist to investigate if it was possible to change the mind set of the many Jews in their custody, and other races, that were incarcerated in there thousands in slave camps, and reconfigure their minds so they could put them to work as obedient slaves, without always wanting to sabotage the equipment the Germans used to fight the war. This is in the history book people!
The research they acquired from this physiological manipulation of a persons mind, gave a positive outcome, but only to a few weak minded ‘young men’ who could be turned much easier then the older males mind.
The war ended and as many as possible, the Americans and British governments shared out the scientist to further their valuable skills, such as to build the first atomic bomb. Produced with the help of a German atomic scientist.

“They have been doing this harvesting of talented people for 5 thousand years”.

They also told these scientists to continue with their research on mind manipulation, which produced great success.
Now you have to ask yourself. “Who are the most likely countries to have this kind of abilities and knowledge”. The Taliban or the CIA of American? The Al-CIA-da only exists because it is the CIA’s intention to infiltrate their enemies, such as the Taliban, and win their trust by introducing to the Taliban all the new recruits that has been especially trained as walking human bombs.
The reason the New World Order, the hidden governments, are in this world, is to continually satisfy their incessant desire for more wars. This to them is just a game. A power rush of fun, challenge and excitement and just a game.
And they have worked out it is better not to end a war quickly, but to keep it going for as long as possible. This way the money will keep on rolling in because they own the war machines. And of course it’s great fun for the elite. Their very own real life battle field strategy games. Now they don’t even care who losses or wins, they will still make heaps of cash.
This evil is now known to us awoken people, and we are now becoming many and this Godly force against the Devil is now winning. Which side are you going to be on?
Happy New year to you all. It’s going to be very bloody!
Hypothetical conundrum. By Roy C Savill.

I picked up a grain of sand and held it in the palm of my hand. It seemed to be always wanting to fall back to the ground, and I wondered if it had the same mysterious force that Earth had, the force of Gravity. Is this why the two parts, Earth and the grain of sand, was always being drawn to one another. Did the grain of sand also have this thing called Gravity inside it?
After smashing the grain of sand into atomic microscopic particles, and then with a very fine pointed instrument I picked up a fraction of it and put it under my powerful microscope. It too wanted to fall to the ground, so there must be some kind of evidence of gravity in this microscopic piece.
But alas I could not see anything or any reason for this atomically size fragmented grain of sand that gave it gravity; all I saw was a smaller piece of sand.

Standing in the centre of Australia I scooped up a large stone, which also had this mysterious force that made it want to join with Earth again.
I had to find the answer, what was it? Why can’t I see what gravity was? I scooping up more dirt, and then even more. The ground under my feet was disappearing from my constant scooped; again more and more dirt was added. The dirt in my hand now was so massive, much bigger that a mountain, and it was extremely heavy now, but I kept on adding more, until I had at least half of the Earth in my hand, and I was having to keep pushing Earth away because the two were still trying to come together, but still I could not find that gravity. Into the next century I had almost scooped up the entire Earth onto my hand and all that was left was a tiny grain of sand at my feet that also wanted to fall up to the ground that I was holding in my hand, as was the first grain of sand I had started with.
But no Gravity was found. And I then realised that no matter how small the piece of Earth was that I held in my hand, it also had an attraction force called gravity. So there is an invisible force that creates gravity, and the only force that I know of that is invisible and has an attractive force in this universe, is the ‘Electrons’. And it all depended on how many ‘Electrons’ were spinning around that atomic partial of matter, that governed how strong the gravity was. The more electrons, the stronger the attraction force was on other matter, and that grain of sand that I held in my hand had the same amount of Electrons as the last.
Electrons are invisible to our eyes because they are captured Photons.
Our eyes can only see photons that are converted into electrons in the fluid in our eye, which are then picked up by the receptor nerves that send it to our brain. When we see lightning, we are seeing the fragmented Electrons emanating from the lightning strike.
Dream on by Roy C Savill.