I had this vision that suddenly appeared in my head, after watching a video.

And I saw a picture in my mind of Egyptians worshiping what some people think was the Sun, but I believe it was the Planet called Venus. Venus orbits the Sun just like Earth does, but is travelling around 11000 miles an hour faster then Earth, and they pass each other each time they orbit the Sun.

And I saw a picture in my mind of Egyptians worshiping what some people think was the Sun, but I believe it was the Planet called Venus. Venus orbits the Sun just like Earth does, but is travelling around 11000 miles an hour faster then Earth, and they pass each other each time they orbit the Sun.
This passing would occur once every 2 1/2 years or more, I’m not sure of my times here. This time of passing would change as Venus spiraled down.
Having this bright Star in the sky 5000 years ago, would mean that the nights would not be dark when it was close by to Earth. Just like the Moon gives us light at night too.
But because it was spiralling down and getting closer to where it has now become a balanced strong locked in orbit, which is the second planet from the Sun, but over 5000 plus years ago, Venus was the forth
(Striking Mars with Lighening)
and then the third planet from the Sun, while getting closer and closer to Earth. And every time it was seen in the sky, it not only delivered more light to the people, but also made everything on Earth much lighter in weight too, because of Venus's gravity. As it was passing Earth in its orbit around the Sun; the gravity of Venus was pulling on everything that was facing it, pulling up by Venus’s gravitational pull.
And the Egyptians knew that each time it passed in the sky, that pull effect, got stronger and stronger, and each time that Venus appeared, the larger the stones the Egyptians shaped and cut and made into Obelisks and statues was going to be much lighter in weight by that gravity of Venus.

But they didn’t reckon that there would come a time when Venus got so close to earth, it would devastate almost all life around North Africa and other countries with a blast to Earth of millions of Atomic bombs of Lightening from all the concentration of electricity that Venus had collected on its long journey to where it is now. Just like Comets do. They too become super charged with electricity as they approach the Sun. The corona and tail from a comet, is the overflowing discharge of that excessive electrical charge. Flowing from the least resistance path area and that is on the shielded opposite side to the Suns Photon flow. 
The arms or shafts of light that was depicted in these Egyptian wall carvings is telling us that Venus was grabbing things on Earth by a invisible hand. Can you imagine being them and wondering what the hell was going on, or do you think they had a good idea. They were, however, very clever people.

The arms or shafts of light that was depicted in these Egyptian wall carvings is telling us that Venus was grabbing things on Earth by a invisible hand. Can you imagine being them and wondering what the hell was going on, or do you think they had a good idea. They were, however, very clever people.

North Africa Venus strike.
To add from my vision, to aid yours…
Do you believe that the moon is pulling upwards on you and the oceans on Earth? And you being 98% water so the moon must be pulling up on you too then? Well, imagine a planet that was the size of, and has the gravity pull strength of Venus, and was where the moon is now. But passing instead of orbiting like the moon is.
Do you think that you would feel the pull of gravity then? Try and imagine the conflict between the two Gravity forces, each pulling on each other, and Earth being the much weaker of the two. The weight of everything on Earth would react in a very strange way of becoming much lighter. Don’t you think?
Just dreaming again By Roy Savill.

Do you believe that the moon is pulling upwards on you and the oceans on Earth? And you being 98% water so the moon must be pulling up on you too then? Well, imagine a planet that was the size of, and has the gravity pull strength of Venus, and was where the moon is now. But passing instead of orbiting like the moon is.
Do you think that you would feel the pull of gravity then? Try and imagine the conflict between the two Gravity forces, each pulling on each other, and Earth being the much weaker of the two. The weight of everything on Earth would react in a very strange way of becoming much lighter. Don’t you think?
Just dreaming again By Roy Savill.