Thursday, September 30, 2010

Carbon Capture is easily done!

I too have realized that my government here in Australia is also going along with this hideous evil plan to control the population with lies and deceptions. The promise they envisage of wealth and power is too much for these stupid selfish greedy humans.

I now understand why the questions I am asking our top scientist at CSIRO, a Mss Cathy Foley. And why no answer is forthcoming, after about a year and a half of repeated emails asking for an answer.

The question is…

WE all should know that a good day of substantial rain will capture and bring most of the carbon up there out of the atmosphere. A good wash, so to speak. And knowing how this happens, would it be a good idea to funnel the smoke from the burning of the coal at our many power station, to be pumped up inside the massive cooling towers that is used to condense the steam back into water, created by the coal fire heat, and maybe increase more artificial rain with a showering system at the very top of the towers. And then use this downwards force to pump the water back up after filtering the carbon out, using my ‘centrifugal water cleaner machine’ which could also be run by the falling water, using something like a bucket driven paddle wheel.
Then, when the carbon has been filtered out from the water, to put it back into the coal delivery trains that would be empty after unloading the coal, put it into the bogies, which will always be going back to the coal mine for more coal and dump the carbon back in the hole.
Why would this not work?

Roy Savill

Something to think about. Part 3. Oxygen.

All life depends on taking in Oxygen. I believe there is NO life on Earth that can live without it. Not even the creatures that are found sometimes up to 2-3 miles under the oceans. People have said that the life that seems to thrive at these depths, are able to live only because of the Heat in the water that is being expelled out from under the crust. Fissures are spewing out very hot water, they say, that life there is able to live off the heat that was ‘not supplied from the Sun’. This is, in my opinion, wrong. The heat down there was produced by the absorption of Sunlight that has been raining down upon the Earth surface for thousands of years. Even though it is extremely cold at those depths, there is still light from the Sun getting down there. Light (Photons) are a ‘travelling at light speed and rotating atom’ WITH SUBSTANCE! And will never die. It can turn into, or be captured by a plant, that has spread a very thin layer of Hydrogen atoms over its leafs, and this will then turn the Photon into a simple electron that the plant draws down and uses to build more of itself with.
But in water such as the oceans, it will stay being a Photon. A Photon can only be captured by Hydrogen molecules when the Hydrogen is in a gas form or free from being a liquid. And hence the ocean is not a gas, so the Photons do not get captured for conversion into Electrons or possibly even Oxygen.
They will just travel around in a straight line bouncing off this and that, and eventually escape back into the atmosphere off the surface of the ocean or lake (or out of matter). This is when that exiting Photon will also cause more Hydrogen to become air born and rise up to become a measure of ‘moisture’ or ‘humidity’ in the atmosphere, and will eventually be collected by some ‘Electrons’ to then become the clouds. You might have read about this example in part two of my notes at FaceBook.
Everything that is of mass that is above Zero Kelvin of temperature means there are Photons inside of it. Absolute Zero means there are No Photons inside at all.
A human body uses Oxygen as a lubricant. Drawn in by our lungs and sent into our blood stream. Our muscles need Oxygen to function (Lubricate) to stop the thousands of fibres from rubbing together. You may know when you have exercised heavily, your muscles become hot and painful because a lot of the oxygen has been forced out and the fibres are rubbing together and breaking down. (Breaking down and back into Photons. This is the heat we feel) Our brain uses oxygen to keep all the stored Electrons separated, such as thoughts and memories. If you are deprived of oxygen for too long, the oxygen diminishes and the electrons will start to touch each other and short out, sometimes fatally to life, or it will cause some brain damage and or memory loss.
By Roy Savill.
This picture below is what outer space looks like under extremely magnification.
To be continued

Something to think about. Part 2. Hydrogen.

One of the smallest atoms in the universe, and maybe
‘THE’ smallest! But this one can do magic. It has a repelling capability and is always trying to push everything, close by it; away. The hydrogen atom is everywhere in the universe, but has become concentrated by the collection of ‘Electrons’, that are also everywhere in this universe. (See the internet movie ‘Thunderbolts of the Gods’ by David Talbott and Wallace Thornhill for a better understanding of this atom.)
A link to the movie here.

The Hydrogen atom repels, but the Electrons are an ‘attraction atom’ that can lock on to the Hydrogen atom and over power its repel force, and if there are a lot of Electron atoms rotating around a hydrogen atom, then this molecule configuration will then begin to pull into itself more near by over powered by electrons ‘Hydrogen’. This is why clouds clump together, and the more Electrons there are that the Hydrogen is forced to carry the stronger the attraction force is, until the cloud has become so condensed, it will become a concentrated mass of Electricity, and exhibit this high electricity charge by either, discharging that over balance force onto other clouds that are carrying less ‘electrons charged hydrogen’, or if there are no clouds for it to discharge into, it will be forced to create lightning bolts and discharge that massive force onto Earth’s surface, and we all know what that looks like.
Something happened in this Hydrogen full universe that caused it to become concentrated to such an extent; it formed snowballs, which became Ice planets. Earth was one of those ice planets that also had a huge amount of Electrons too. This massive Hydrogen/Electron collection is what is creating Gravity, and because of that gravity it has become so strong it can condense the hydrogen down so much it has become oceans, lakes, rivers and rain. The Oxygen atom is another story. Possibly it is another atom that was always here in the universe but can be destroyed by the bombardment of a high intensity of Photons. This is what we know as Fire. I am still working on what happens to Oxygen when it is burnt. I think it is turned back into Photons again because I believe that the Oxygen atom was made by the combined molecule of Hydrogen and Electron configuration.
A foot note.
You can see lightning because as that massive powerful amount of electricity passes through the atmosphere, it shatters the Oxygen atom back into Photons, then this light or ‘Photons’ travels to your eyes and is converted into Electrons as it passes through the ‘hydrogen bubble’ in your eye, that is then sent to your Pineal gland, and then to your brain for memorizing. Simple logic, don’t you think? Your brain can not see Photons, only Electrons. The BIG BANG from the lightning is the surrounding supper compressed Oxygen falling into the instantly created vacuumed space and stopping with a forceful thud as it is filled.
By Roy Savill.

PS: Should I call this…”Science for the dummies” ? Or would that be insulting to the dummies?
I am looking for a writer that can edit this effort of mine and improve the way it is written. Please have a go if you think is worth while doing.

Something to think about. The Photon.

Heat is Photons. Light is Photons. Radio waves are Photons. X-rays are Photons. Mobile phones pick up Photons. Radiation is Photons. They are all part of the one family of Photons each are spinning and spiralling through the Hydrogen matrix of space. Whether that ‘space’ is here on Earth, or out in outer space. Hydrogen is everywhere throughout the universe. Light or Photons use the Hydrogen to travel through. Newtons law states “For every action, there is an equal but opposite re-action” Meaning, Any matter, being solid, liquid or gas that is put into motion, has to have a push force to instigate that action and must continue that push motion to continue that motion. A Golf ball struck with a club in outer space will only stop if there is a force, such as a Comet or Planet in its way that will stop that motion. The speed of the Golf ball at the start will always be maintained because there is No negative force to stop its travelling.
Light, being Gods gift to all life throughout this universe, is unfathomable only because it can not ever be captured and brought to rest for anyone to study its make-up.

A Nuclear blast releases enormous amounts of Photons that, if it strikes the body that is un-protected by a lead shield, will instantly enter the body and cause a great deal of damage to the tissues of all the body make up. Sunlight will damage the skin if we expose our body to too much of its rays. This we already know is the cause of most skin damage and can destroy some of the weaker cells that can mutate and become cancerous; such as Carcinomas or Melanomas.

Whenever you see a spark coming from a lighter to light a cigarette, those are Photons. Whenever you see shards or shafts of bright sparks coming from a metal grinder, you are seeing Photons. Whenever you light a candle or a Camping lamp you are causing Photons to be released from the Wax, or the Oil. Both these flammable and burning fuels are made from Photon (Light from the Sun)
You are able to see the Photons because they are entering your eye’s and travel through the Hydrogen (Water) that captures and converts the Photons into Electrons, then they are hitting the nerve endings of the Retina at the back of the eye, that are then pick up as Electrons and they are transported to the Pineal Gland for processing.

Scientist and Physicists have always thought that the world is ‘So’ complicated and difficult to understand because they do not know what Light is. Many have stated that it is a ‘non-matter’ and it has no mass. Wrong, it ‘IS’ matter, but is so very small we have not the technology to see it or understand it. It is much more ‘simple’ than they have ever imagined and have gone so far passed and away from this fact ‘they’ and are spending countless amounts of wasted funds looking for something that is not there. Looking for ‘The God Particle’ and it is right under their noses, it is the PHOTON!
Any Questions? Feel free.