Monday, November 8, 2010
Need to know more truths about this world?
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
God has many tricks up his sleeve. This is just one of them!

Deep Ocean Vents surrounded with beautiful Life!
9 Kilometres down and even more in other places, on the ocean floor all over this planet, where fresh hot water pours out from vents or fissures with no trace of Sodium Chloride (Salt) in that water, that has been spewing out for thousands of years ‘creating more oceans’ while the ocean floor drops down little by little (Earth Quakes, Tsunamis). Where NO life or eggs could ever get too or float down to, because of the extreme pressures from the water above, and the extreme coldness and darkness.
But life in their hundreds, of different life forms or species spontaneously begin, live and then die, is a God given miracle.
The water that is coming from the Ice core of Earth, and is full of Amino Acids of many types, that are essential for life.
Is also full of 'Oxygen' for the creatures to breathe, and Photons for the heat. Which was collected over thousands of years by the Sun hitting the crust, that has filtered through it and down to these great depths.
Either way you think about the life that is 'definitely' down there, I can only think of two ways they are there.
1. The mix of Heat (Photons), The Oxygen and the fresh water coupled with the cocktail of Amino Acids has grouped together to create this life. As I have said before, Spontaneous life forms.
2. From the melting of the surface of the ice core has released these life forms that was put there thousands of years ago as Eggs. And because of the special mix enabled the Eggs to hatch. If you can think of another way they got down there then please let me know.
Additional pondering information.
Most of you know about Cryogenics, where we can freeze a human embryo or eggs that can be stored sometime for up to 10 years and then defrosted, implanted into a woman's womb and she then gives birth to a healthy baby.
There is a video on the internet (I can't find it again) that I watched about a year ago, it was about the amazing survival skills of creatures, and it told of how African children walked along dry river beds picking up fish eggs that popped out of the dusty clay and then digging some more they find a clump of them. These river beds are sometime dry for up to 10 years. When the children get back to their village they put the eggs in a kettle place it on the fire and wait for it to almost boil, quickly taking it off and look inside to see tiny newly hatched fish swimming in the water. Deep Ocean life near Vents isn't as strange after all. Life seems to be forced to excite.
Scientist can not believe either of these scenarios because it is unscientific. You can not explain the presents of or the existence of God scientifically. But must except it as being real or not. But to me... He just is!
This is life on planet Earth, and is still giving birth to more life and this is how life started thousands of years ago.