Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Space Age Technology Spacecraft Drive engine.

The Video will explain all.
Have you the mind to challenge my claim?

Isaac Newton said. “For every action, there is an equal but opposite re-action”. The 're-action' to the weights pulling on the bottom stretching springs is that this action is pulling them in an upwards direction. This lifts the entire machine off the ground because there is no visible downwards re-action to this force, only gravity. Can YOU see one?

The weights have two distinct actions to re-act too. One is the horizontal Centrifugal force being applied to them from the vertical rotation. And two, from the resistance force that is coming from the bottom springs.
The weights actually have to tilt and pull upwards to adjust to this action.

By Roy Savill. Inventor of Space Age Drive force abiltities.

Try this explaination, it might make you believe that I am right.

Friday, October 15, 2010

It’s just expanding Oxygen.

It's the expansion of Oxygen.

After many years of me trying to get some answers from the people who should know, I still haven’t received a satisfactory answer to my inquiries.
So I thought I would put my question up here and on my FaceBook pages, to see if there are any physicists or scientists that are interested with knowing what is actually going on inside
‘The Internal Combustion Engine’.
Click on image for larger view.

Maybe I wasn’t explaining it clearly enough for them so they could get a good mental picture and then ‘see’ what I have discovered. After all ‘a mental picture’ is the only way to see it.
So please excuse me here as I might come across as over simplifying my explanation.

A scientist should already know that Oxygen at ground level or sea level is already under extreme pressure. Each individual oxygen molecule has to support the entire mass weight of the oxygen that is surrounding it, and the depth of the Oxygen above it from sea level is around 90 miles high.
When Oxygen is mixed with an inflammable substance such as petrol, and a flame is added to that mix, all of us know this mixture will burst into a vigorous expansive burst of fire. Who hasn’t seen a fire breather that squirts fuel out from their mouth onto a flaming stick that triggers a ball of fire?
It is the Oxygen that is being burnt and the fuel is the catalyst for that release of concentrated energy, that was collected by plants that once grew many thousands of years ago. And after thousands of years the accumulation of that decomposing layer of plants turned into oil, and that oil was refined to give us Petrol.
Just briefly. The plant leaf collects Photons by spreading a thin layer of Hydrogen over the leaf, and this Hydrogen captures and then converts the Photons into a form of Electrons that the plant uses to build more of itself. This conversion of Photons also happens in the clouds that can become charged up with massive amounts of Electrons, (Electricity) and we see this high charge as it is being downloaded onto the ground as Lightning.
When we burn Oil or Petrol we are actually releasing those ‘plant made Electrons’ back into their original form; the Photon, which is the substance of all life on this planet. The ‘God Particle’ we call Light.

When Petrol is mixed with Oxygen and taken inside the cylinder of an engine, and the Piston then rises and compresses this mix, and a spark plug is used to ignite it, this is when the magic happens. If there is too much vaporised Petrol in that mix, it will burn ALL of the Oxygen instantly and will not give off an efficient expansion force to push the piston down to be used to drive or force the wheels to turn. But if there is a ‘just right mixture’ of Oxygen and Petrol then around 50 % of the Oxygen in that cylinder will be burnt, leaving the remaining; already compressed Oxygen, to expand extremely rapidly to take up or fill up the space where the other Oxygen was, which was already compressed down by ‘the atmosphere’ and then the extra compression of the Oxygen from the upward movement of the piston inside the cylinder.
This rapid forceful expansion of the remaining Oxygen is so powerful it will then pushes the piston down, that ends up turning the wheels of the vehicle that makes it move along the road.
Does anyone get what I am talking about? It’s the immediate surrounding expanding remaining Oxygen that causes the Atomic Bomb when detonated to give off its massive blast effect. It’s not anything else.
Just expanding Oxygen. By Roy Savill.

Monday, October 11, 2010

The World is full of Mysteries.

Click image for larger view.

Dolmen Rock Formations are just one of them.

Still baffled today as to why these were made, by village peoples all over the world. Even though these people never ever met one another to convey their reasons for building them, for these other civilisations to copy this idea, But they all had the very same thought as to why they would need them and should build them.
From Korea, Japan, China, England, France, and Germany to Ireland the list goes on.
This Wonderful informative Website has everything you would want to know about these ancient peoples constructed Dolmens, and the worlds largest standing Menhirs. Plus Megalithic stones. Well worth spending time here...
Many modern minds thought these Man-Made structures were for ceremonial or religious ritual purposes. As they still believe some Stones have magical properties that can induce a feeling of well being, or could even heal the sick.
So many theories that are wonderful to contemplate as for their reasons, and most of them were erected around 4000 plus years ago. Not forgetting at today’s heightened or increased gravitational strength force, these rocks now weigh up to 30 to 50 tonnes and would have been impossible for the people then to have lifted them up to place on top of the virtual support stones.

So, I might as well put forward my thoughts and theories why they built them…

Just briefly though, explaining, because I have already written so much about the lives of ancient man and of these wonderful mysteries in our world going back 36000 years, when I believe planet Earth was still being constructed by God.
There are links here at my Blog that will take you to all of my written works, but be prepared to be confronted with very startling information of things that happened over those 36000 years, because they are completely opposite to anything anyone has said or that you have read in the past.

These Dolmen rock formations were built by Villagers to protect them from something they witnessed in the sky, and that thing was Venus. Over many years of observing this star like Godly vision (because it was so very bright) the people noticed that every time it appeared in the sky, after disappearing for a few years (Orbiting 11 thousand miles faster than Earth)when it reappeared it was noticeably much closer than before and getting ever closer. And I am very sure, there were many village council meetings about what was going to happen to them if it got too close, as all the other peoples all around the world came up with the same conclusion, the absolute worse scenario they could imagine seemed to be coming true, that this thing in the sky was going to crash onto their lands and destroy them.
By Roy Savill.
Do you want to know how planet Earth was made? Read this.
Some Google links to take you to the thousands of pictures of ‘Dolmen Rock formations’ around the world.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Earth Has Indeed an Ice Core. Here's why!

Click Image for larger view.

What Wikipedia says about Tephra.

'Tephra' is the microscopic dust particles expelled from Mount St Helens in the Steam Clouds that reached up to 70 miles away.
Scientist are still calling it 'Ash' This is wrong! It's Tephra.

This is part of an email I sent to CSIRO for their comment. Received no reply so far....
Anyway, I am now studying 7 days a week sometimes 14 hours a day, ocean currents, its heat transfer and the golf oil spill that seems to have slowed the ocean currents by half. Plus the biology of the water that is pouring out of the thousands of miles of deep ocean vents, and I have been emailing as many professors around the world who have been lucky enough to have been involved with this subject and I asked them for some information to the salinity of this extremely hot water that enables life to exist there in vast numbers.
When I first observed the videos that have been presented on the Internet in wonderful abundance and very clear and colourful, I was quite puzzled to why the funnels that are being built by this flow, have very little visual evidence of having a salt/ saline/ sulphur content in their construction, and I wondered if the water was possibly mainly fresh water.
As you already know I have been making some pretty unusual claims that Earth has an Ice Core rather then a molten on.
Well… Low and behold the truth has now been revealed, that I am right. The lab’ examinations of the contence of this vent water are indeed ‘mostly of fresh water’, making it impossible for it to have originated from any kind of looping process taking the water from the salt laden ocean water. It can only have come from the melting of the surface of the ICE CORE.

This is causing the ocean floor to steadily sink down, making the depth of the ocean ever more greater. This is how oil was created thousands of years ago when the ocean floor was dry land where forests grow, but gradually sank under the sea by the slow melting of the surface of the ice core. See my previous post here. 'A Quick Note About Earth' http://roysavillmatrix.blogspot.com/2010/10/quick-note-about-planet-earth.html

Deep Ocean Vent or Fissures. Spewing out extremely Hot Water.

Which incidentally, supports my claim that Mount Saint Helen 1980 eruption, was caused by the massive build up of melted core ice that created unimaginable Hydrogen/Oxygen steam pressure that blew 4 cubic kilometres of pulverised rock (Tephra) laterally and why after this event there was a high formation of dense cloud above the creator that stopped President Jimmy Carter from flying over it in a helicopter to see all the damage it had caused. ‘STORM CLOUDS’ quickly appeared from a calm cool and clear sunny day.

From May 21, 1980, here is CBS News on the eruption of Mt. St. Helens!

Mount Saint Helens 2004 venting off steam. As long as it does this the pressure is released from deep underground.


Dave Crockett, Escaping from the 1980 St Helens Eruption.

This video link is a short story (22 mins) about Mount Saint Helens before and after the 1980 eruption. Listen to the words "Steam" coming out from the mountain and how much flooding water there was. Not only from the melting snow, but from the mountain itself. Also note how heavy the dust is as people begin to clean it off the streets. Ash is very light, but Tephra is very heavy.


But please, if you have information that can debunk my findings, please go right ahead.
Hoping you are well.
Regards Roy C Savill. Independent Researcher of Everything.

Information derived from…
Professor Anna-Louise Reysenbach studied botany and microbiology.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A Quick Note about Planet Earth.

Click on image for larger view.
So, the reason there is oil found deep under oceans and coal found only on the land, and the reason why we have Tremors and Earth quakes, which happens mostly at the edge of continents, is because Earth was and still is, an Ice core. Many many thousands of years ago the land was all one continent, that enabled the animals to roam throughout.
There were many lakes, that began to grow larger and larger because planet Earth was absorbing ever more heat from the Sun by the ever growing sediment the plant life and animal life deposited when it died, and more heat could be trapped by it, that penetrated through this sedimentary coating which became the crust, and that melted more of the surface ice under it. Where this melting occurred caused the sediment land to subside and fall down very slowly, and as the space under the crust grew, the deeper the lakes became the water was pouring out from fissures which are 'still there' under the oceans, filling the lakes with all that melted ice. Any forests that had been growing and producing this very thick mat of decomposing vegetation, that had been growing there; near the lakes, were eventually taken down by the expanding size of these lakes, sinking it down with the land continued.
The golf of Mexico oil, and the North Sea oil and gas, that is over one and a half miles below the surface of the water, is covered with many meters of sediment, and this is the proof of this Earths evolutionary process events that of course happened
over a very long period of time.
So much more to add to this story because Earth could not have started its life where it is today. Earth had to have started its life as an very large Ice Moon, and would have had to be very far away from the Sun, otherwise all that Ice would have been vaporized away by the intense bombardment of Photons from the Sun if it was this close to it.
You should now be ready for the truth, what do you think?
By Roy Savill.

PS: Most Stars and Planets are also made with an Ice core. Drawn in ‘somehow’ from the matrix of Hydrogen that is throughout the universe. It was recently discovered by the NASA and Japan joint venture to explode a rocket on the Moon and they have detected H1O. Take Note: Scientists say "Plants produce Oxygen" Ask yourself. Did plants ever grow on the Moon? No never! So how come there is
Oxygen there?
This also means that our Moon has an ice core too, that has been covered by comet dust. It’s sad to think that all the efforts from our Astronauts that landed on the Moon were walking on nothing but Comet dust, and even brought back Comet dust because that was how it got its surface covering over the ice.

Monday, October 4, 2010

BackPackets Round fruit Gravity fed Conveyer Assistant.


BackPackers Friend.
Safety on their slippery ladders.
If there is anyone out there that is interested with finding out if this BackPacker assistant machine could help your bottom line profits. Because it will eliminate the need for the seasonal picker to carrying the hashen bags they use up high on the slippery ladders, which will reduce the chances of serious accident to the picket.

Please contact me at Roy.savill@Bigpond.com.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

These links below are to my written report (With picture and Video links) about the Egyptians and how they managed to build massive temples and statues using huge limestone blocks cut out of the bedrock. Up to 1250 tonnes, that today we could not lift or even move. They also know about Electricity, but used it as a weapon to controll the people by giving them a little sample of their Godlyness. But Venus came and distroyed these imposters that infuriated The Real God!


