Friday, May 28, 2010

To the Alien searchers. I know who you are.

Now I know Who you are.
Now I know Where YOU are coming from. It came to me in my thoughts.

You don’t want this to ever end, because you are becoming famous, and lots of people are listening to your every word, which is making you feel special and important. Your work is also making you a good living from all your tours of talks around the world, after all these years of you searching for information and collating the evidence that Aliens really do exist, but you never really want that to happen, for it to end. Do you?
To actually have Aliens standing in front of you, shaking your hand and you having no question in your mind that these creatures; are not human, and are not of this Earth, and they are real. You just could not handle that kind of shocking reality; it would scare you to your knees with overwhelming fright and fear.

You do not think of this kind of scenario meeting as you should, you think it will be humbling, peaceful and exciting, but the reality is quite the opposite. A hidden fear, and you know it is there trying to sneak into your thoughts, but you won’t let it, will you?
So you keep on going, doing what you are enjoy doing, hoping that that day never comes, because your world would suddenly change and your life will never be the same again. You will lose control, you will lose your way because ‘Here’ they are and you were right all along. The attention you once had will be gone and many humans will think that they will lose control, and we will all be enslaved by their shear brilliance of un-imaginable technologies and of their evil mind control machines, we won’t be able to resist.
And then the people will begin to look at you with accusing angry eyes because it was your entire fault that these Aliens are here, and you will have to run and hide away from their anger.
The fear is real.

The Unfounded fear.
‘They’ know us better then we know ourselves. We humans have this deep seated fear that if they are true and are here trying to communicate with us, and they are that advanced as we have perceived them to be, then what then?
This is why they will never show themselves to us completely, until they are sure there is many of us that has the courage to stand tall and strong to meet them with open honest arms.

As many have said in the past. “If they wanted to take over our world, then they would have done it a long time ago”. Can you not see that?

They are watching us from afar waiting for us to wake up in the millions to wish them to join with us, and take us away from this nightmare we are creating for ourselves.
They are trying as best as they know how to help us wake up and grab this wonderful next HUGE step for all of mankind. But there is this un-squashable fear that is always stopping us from taking that one next step.
So they wait, and wait, and wait, each time their messages to us get stronger and larger, but we easily push it aside because of our fear. WE would rather go to all out world war with our brothers and sisters across the oceans, than believe that Aliens exist and want to help us.

Welcome to your hell, I’m leaving soon. It sure was nice knowing you Jake, and good luck with that Nuclear War, I hear it’s a killer of humans and it is spreading.

Just dreaming, by Roy Savill.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Who You Are? Test No.1.

Write down your name in the middle of the piece of paper, and a drawing of a stick figure, which represents you.
Go through your mind and find the person that you have or still ‘Hate’ the most. Don’t worry if can’t remember their name, but it’s someone that you encountered in your life. Draw a stick figure of that person at the bottom of the page right underneath you. And to remind you of who that person is, right a word like rape, or bruises or whatever reminds you of them. I think you know what I mean.

Now, Think of the person in your life that you have loved or still love the most. And draw their stick figure at the very top of the page right above yours.
Under your top love, draw the second person you love and cherish, and then the next, and so on, until there is no more space left between the number one love, till yours.

Now do the same from that very most bottom person you hate, to the second most hated person in your life, and so on. If you run out of space, put a stick figure to the left or right in the position level to which you hate them, keep going…

When you are finished step backwards from that piece of paper to get a much broader view and take a good look at it, because this is you.
If you have more people in your picture in the bottom hate section, than the people that you love in the top ‘love’ section. Then this is what kind of person you are.
Or, is there no room left in the ‘I Love’ section, and none in the bottom, purely because you are incapable of hate?.

Count them all up. There ‘You’ can see what kind of a person you are. Do you want to change the way you are? Follow this path below.

Get rid of your hate right this minute and forgive these people for what they have done to you. It is because they are fearful cowards that are working unconsciously for the Devil, and were born with such weak minds, would have had little choice or chance of controlling their actions and of their own minds. They were just following orders. The orders came from within their minds, in there is where a balance of three entities exist.
In there is YOU, then GOD, and then the devil. Some chose to only listen to the devil. Some of us listen to God. Some of us choose to go our own way, but know who they are and how to live in balanced beautiful peace of mind, because they and I know that it was God that created the universe that is totally impossible to have ever happened. But here I am, and there YOU are.

You should already know this force is real, you have probably felt it in your life. It has tried to take control of you on many of occasions before, where you have become angry at someone or something, but then you suddenly managed to pull yourself back from it to become calm again. Remember those times? No, never? You’re still angry with all of them! Then I pity you, because you have a very weak mind too. Watchout! Something bad is stalking you.

Do you see what I mean?

I don’t even have to draw a picture of who I am, on my piece of paper. I would only find that I have no person that I have ever hated, not one single person in my entire life. Plenty that has made me angry, but I never hated them.

I hope that you were the same.
Just dreaming, by Roy Savill.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

An email I sent to Colin Andrews...

Hi Colin, With those recent video movies of the two UFOs that swooped down and then shoot off with amazing increasing acceleration, leaving that beautiful bright ball of light spiraling, which was a 'hydrogen charged ball of water supercharged with electron/photons' a vortex bubble of light behind as the craft disappears back into outer space again, plus the double sonic boom, made me go goosy, which I am totally convinced was real. But, if you using that footage in mind, and go back to the Norway Spiral event, and imagine that the space craft started that Norway spiral at this end first, and then sped off leaving a blue hydrogen with a lower electron/photon intensity trail behind it. It would give everybody the thought that it had come from over the hill to where it stopped and then did its wounderful spiralling magic hole trick. So I looked at all the replays again with that thought, and I can see this is a very valid point. So if you can find any evidence in recorded pictures or videos of it coming over the hill, could you inform me please. I can not find any yet. What was it that came out of the Space Craft? A Highly charged hydrogen bubble spun and then released from a space crafts bum. Wow! that's impressive, don't you think? Cheers Roy
Want to know more? FaceBook me Roy Savill. leave a massage on your thoughts.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

In My Delusional State of Mind.

In an Email,
I wrote to the number one Crop Circle expert, Colin Andrews, who is also an investigator of everything else that is puzzling our human minds for the last 5000 years, of things from the Paranormal world. But now he is steering his mind towards our Psychological abilities of the brain.
"Can we really read each others mind"?
As we all know Dogs have abilities beyond our understanding, like sensing fear or their owners love towards them.
The Email.
Hi Colin, Is there going to be a video of the Oregon conference?

I have some evidence of when Earth arrived at the 'Ring of Planets' just past Mars and gravity collected those planets that is now the Asteroid belt. These planetoids and small planets were very soft balls of space dust, possibly with a small ice core, this is the only substance that would create a gravity to be able to collect the space dust.
This fine dust balls would have been easily pulled apart by Earths gravity and would have fallen down upon the earth just like heavy rain, that caused the many 'now explainable' wonderful formations we are now seeing on Earth, that have multiple layers of different colored sediment. Also causing the extinction of most of the very large land based animals here on Earth.

I had a shiver run down my spine yesterday with the thought that 'someone or something' is listening to my thoughts, because I kept asking myself over and over again, 'how can I prove that what I am saying about this event is true'. My words will never be enough. I don't usually watch TV, but something told me to turn it on. On the ABC channel was a documentary about a group of Paleontologists had found ancient bones of many types of extinct animals, of the Australians very big Marsupials, and very large Wombats and Gigantic Geese. Which also gave them more information about how big they were compared to the same type of animals of today.(Up to 3 times the size and more) and it seemed to them that they all became extinct at the same time.
The fossils of these creatures were carbon dated to 36000 years ago.
So now I've got that event. And Pluto was 10 to 12,000 years ago, and Venus was 4200 years ago.
I had better start asking myself some more questions! Like what is going on now with the Sun and that huge 100,000klms long filament, is it because the Sun is about to switch poles because it is going through the Galaxy plain. And this is what one of the new crop circles is telling us.
Why don't you try asking questions with your mind like me, and see if you get an answer. Just go with your instincts, do what your mind tells you to do. Its happened to you before, hasn't it!? Cheers Roy.

Extinction of Australias Massive Marsupials.

My latest news is...

If you have been reading my enteries about Venus and Earths movements. Well, I have found out when Earth passed through the Asteroid belt and pulled most of the small planetoids and small planets, that were once there, pulled down onto Earth. It was 36000 years ago. This fact I got from Australias ...fossel evidence of the mass extinction of the giant marsupials that once lived here.

The 'End' is coming and we are to blame.

The rise and rise of all the worlds people, who have had it up to here with being lied too, and are starting to stand up in their millions against the Treachery, Dishonisty, Greed and 'mess' managment of the world governments. IS being mirrored by Mother Earth. She is now becoming so very active world wide, and it seems to me that it is from our combind minds fury that is the cause.

Also. Find 'The Alex Jones show' on the net, and listen to him.


Do you want to be scared straight, silly, with this coming soon of proof of Godly powers?
Read this!

Super Volcano Signs Supplement
One of our more popular editions of the Signs page was the "Super Volcano Special!", which we then followed up with the occasional article as we ran across an informative one in our daily forays into cyber space. ...

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Can’t see the trees, because of all the forest!

Better start looking again, and refocus your eyes on things that are right in front of you.

Why do we see light coming out of a torch? Its Photons, right? But our brain can only register electrons. So something is happening to the photons that are entering our eyes, that is turning the photons into electrons, and then the nerve endings at the back of our eyes sends that electrical signal message to our brain. A simple deduction I thought. What is inside our eyes? Hydrogen!

Why do we see the lightning in the sky? Same reason as before, 'Converted Photons'.
And why can we see distant plasma clouds in the universe? Because they are generating Electrons that were made in the hydrogen clouds and some are smashing into each other that become Photons that speed outwards eventually to our eyes.

Lightening is electrons, that are being discharged from a dense hydrogen cloud of concentrated electricity, and when it has acquired the strength to discharge some of that electricity, the electrons are being converted back into photons, because of the supersonic speeds of the travelling electrons that are having to push their way through the atmosphere to get to the ground or another cloud, and some of them are being smashed apart by the collision of that atmosphere, of Hydrogen/Oxygen/Carbon etc.

The smashing of the oxygen molecules has then opened a ‘vacuum path’ for the remaining majority of those electrons that will travel through that vacuum hole.
The huge bang we hear (vibrating air) after the lightening, is caused by the surrounding oxygen being able to expand extremely rapidly because of that 'thread of destroyed oxygen molecules' that are then forcibly stopped from expanding and smashing together when they have filled that vacuum hole.

We must also look at the Sun as doing the very same thing as the light coming out from our torch. The Sun is a giant battery magnet that has captured the Photons that have travelled to it from every star in the universe, and these Photons are taken into the Suns Hydrogen core, and are then being converted into Electrons. Electrons are what is creating gravity.
If a planetary body has only a few electrons, then its gravity is small (Like Jupiter), but if a planet has a huge amount of Electrons, then its gravity is huge, just like Venus has a very strong gravity. And also the reason why Comets spark violently when a copper projectile hits it. The high electron store inside its ice core discharges into the metal projectile and electrons are being smashed apart into photons in the discharge process.

The Sun has become so very packed full with electrons, that are continuously being smashed into one another on its surface, and that smashing together is turning the electrons back into Photons, that shoot out as light that shines on other stars and planets, like it does onto Earth.
The reason why the Sun in now very quiet, is because it has now become very close to the centre of the galaxy plain, and the gravity from the centre of this galaxy is concentrating the electrons on the Sun at its equator, which has made the entire Suns electrical forces balanced.
Just thought you might like to read my views on this matter. By Roy Savill.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Venus came from another Solar system.

There are plenty of people out in this world that are trying to find evidence and put together the story of our Earths past. I found this man Lucus on the Internet, in the Google video section who has been very busy doing just that. Most of his findings I agree with totally. I recommend you watch all of his presentation.

This video below,
I made about two years ago. Most of what I said in it is still correct. One thing I need to correct is, I said that the Asteroid belt was created by Venus when it struck Mars and its Moons with massive amounts of Electrons (Lightening).
But I have since found out that the Asteroid belt was once planets. Spheres of Mercury and our Moon sized lumps of dust, big and small balls of soft powdery universe dust, travelling in a same directional orbit path, all going around at the same speed, travelling around the Sun. And it was Earth, that was on its progressional spiralling down path towards the Sun, while the life on it evolved, and the atmosphere increased, and Oceans and Seas grew, as Earth became increasingly warmer and melted even more of its Ice core. Sinking parts of Earths crust to become the oceans floor.So there has been many changes over the last millions of years our Earth had to go through, and we have now documented much of that evidence of that journey by our scientists and geologists, collecting and collating the data taken from the Ice core samples at the poles, that goes back to at least 650000 years or so.
For an example.
Around ten to twelve thousand years ago, estimated from the ice core samples, there was a different consistency to the ice, and different kinds of particles that were trapped inside it.
That’s another story I will tell later.
Pluto bumped into Earth at that time, and dumped huge amounts of itself, ‘it’ being Ice, onto or near the North Pole, which took at least 2000 or more years to melt. And it was heavy enough to make Earth unbalanced in relation with the Suns gravity pull on it, and this is what caused Earth to tip over 24 degrees to balance itself. When all the Ice had eventually melted to become mixed with the oceans, that raised the sea level up at least 180 feet, that unbalance had gone.
When Pluto crashed onto Earth, it split the crust open and forced 200 foot high fountains of water out from the ice core of Earth, and this event is written about in the Bible. The first Big Flood. And it is now believed, by some, to have created the Grand Canyon. This is only 10 to 12 thousand years ago. But to me the facts all fit.
"And I don’t care if you do not believe this story".
This is why we have the continental shelf. The continental shelf was once exposed; life giving lands, where the vegetation, such as the forests of tree’s and grasses grew for millions of years, before Pluto arrived. But after it got swamped by the Oceans we are now finding that that growth has now turned into lots of energy packed Oil and Gases. As I have said before, our Earth was once an Ice moon trapped in an orbit going around Saturn, and became separated from the gravity of Saturn, and after millions of years later, eventually has arrived to where God had intended it to be today.

Rewinding the timeline, going back to when the Dinosaurs roamed, this collection by Earths gravity pull of those planets, wiped almost 95% of the life that lived on Earth by the clouds of choking, land covering of all the plant life, with blankets of deep dust, that would have rained down upon Earth, this is what destroyed most of them...
As Earth got closer and closer to those small planets, it 'Gravity Vacuumed' them onto Earths surface that created all the mountains and 2 mile high plateaus we can now see, because they were very soft bodies of universe dust, because they had minimal electron gravitational pull and could not compress themselves down to become hard rocks. They were just piles or balls of soft powder. The people and animals that lived on Earth at that time would have seen massive amounts of dirty falling clouds of dust raining down, and this would have lasted for many years as Earth orbited around where those small planets were, and only left behind a tiny fraction or remains of what was there that we can now see today as the Asteroid belt, fragments that are as small as the size of a house, or a home refrigerator.
You need to start thinking, that this incredible planet of wondrous life forms and breath taking beauty, that to me, is Heaven, this magical Earth was purposefully and precisely made by a superior entity, the entity that we call GOD. Because, in my reckoning, this unbelievable happening could never have happened without a master plan. But who am I to try and tell you something completely different than you have heard from our so called experts? I can tell you now for sure that absolutely nothing is going to happen in the year 2012. There ‘will’ be an effect on Earth, while it progressions through the galaxy’s maximum balanced line. We will definitely have more Volcano's’ erupt, and there will be more earthquakes, and more asteroids fall through our skies, but that's all.
Because this is where God had intended Earth to be, and he will not let us all perish because he has a plan for his children. Now we are about ready to evolve up to the next level of mankind’s knowledge, and the magic that will come from the God given Electron. But first ‘YOU’ have to believe, otherwise you will be left behind with the Devil and his slaves.
Dreaming on by Roy Savill.

David Talbutt and Wallace Thornhill.
Thunderbolts of the Gods.
To give my incredible explanation of what happened with Venus and to give my story more realism; if you have a problem believing what I have said in this self made video below, Watch another video by David Talbutt and Wallace Thornhill and his very professional team explaining many of the planetary movements of the past. It is amazing. You will also see what happens when a copper or metal projectile strikes a comet and the fineness of the dust that comes from that electrical discharge event.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Centrifuge Machine that Creates Lift.

Who knows about Sir Isaac Newtons Law, "Every Action, has an equal and opposite Re-action" ?
I am Calling all honest Scientists or Physicists. Please study this...

In this picture you can plainly see that the weight on the right is sharing the re-action force from the two tethers that are forcing the weights to engage the 'straightline' resistance.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Newton's laws of motion are three physical laws that form the basis for classical mechanics. They have been expressed in several different ways over nearly three centuries, and can be summarised as follows:
In the absence of a net
force, the center of mass of a body either is at rest or moves at a constant velocity.
A body experiencing a force F experiences an
acceleration a related to F by F = ma, where m is the mass of the body. Alternatively, force is equal to the time derivative of momentum.
Whenever a first body exerts a force F on a second body, the second body exerts a force −F on the first body. F and −F are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.
These laws describe the relationship between the forces acting on a body and the
motion of that body. They were first compiled by Sir Isaac Newton in his work Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica, first published on July 5, 1687. Newton used them to explain and investigate the motion of many physical objects and systems. For example, in the third volume of the text, Newton showed that these laws of motion, combined with his law of universal gravitation, explained Kepler's laws of planetary motion.

Most true physicists should know precisely what he meant by that statement.
And I need you to understand that I have developed a machine that demonstrates all three of Newtons Laws, because of the machines manipulation of the weights and springs. I or my machine is creating resistance to those forces. This machine will create an upwards lift capable of lifting the entire machine. Meaning, it will lift off the ground.

Have you the brain to be able to see that fact in my machine?
See the machine at work here...

Then study this slide show below.
1. The increasing rotational speed, increases the 'Straight Line' resistance of the mass weight that is in motion. It is the Straight line resistance that is taking the weights in an upwards direction, be it at a very acute angle upwards from horizontal.
2. The rotating weights have to re-adjust their 'angle of re-action' from the restraints to share the resistance force coming from 'two sources' being applied to it. One is from the top steel cable (With No Flex fixed resistance re-action) and Two, is the stretching springs, with an increasing resistance re-action force, that are attached to the weights. (the more the spring is stretched the stronger its resistance becomes) Meaning, It would require more input of energy (Electricity) to the drive motor, to increase the rotational speed of the central shaft, which will increase the 'straight line' resistance force from the weights that will achieve more upwards lift of the weights to occur.
3. When the weights have progressed to have found the 'full balanced orbit' because of that increasing rotational speed. (at horizontal and level with the 'None Flexing' cable tethers that is attached to the central shaft) There is still the increased 'very strong' resistance force still being applied by the stretched spring. This is the key to why it will work!
4. The re-action or opposite direction from the resistance from the two tethers (spring and cable) is now at an angle because it is still sharing the re-action forces, and now it is in an upwards direction which is opposing and opposite to gravity.

This force will be much stronger than the 'Gravity' that is being applied to the entire machine. It will then lift off the ground.

5. To stop the machine from spinning out of control because there is now no friction from the ground to hold it in position, there must be two or more machines on the same platform working in opposition directions of each machine to balance the rotational forces. Think Chinook helicopter. Think Space travel.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Simple life of a Hydrogen Atom.

It’s really not, its very complicated!

Hydrogen atoms, are a ‘repulsion atom’ it is always trying to push everything away from itself, because of the especially constructed configuration of its Photon constructed atoms. Also the Hydrogen atom has the ability to capture Photons, (Heat/Light) then can turn them into a simple 'Electron', and these Electrons that are now spinning around the Hydrogen, become an attractive force, a magnetic force. And it depends on how many Electrons that become attached to a single Hydrogen atom, will determine how strong that attraction force to other Electrons close by is. If there are only a few Electrons spinning around the Hydrogen atom, then the Hydrogen repelling force can overpower the attraction force of the Electrons.
If the Hydrogen has a large amount of Electrons spinning around it, then the Electron attraction force is the stronger and will have the ability to pull more Hydrogen/Electron atoms towards it, and each other.
This is how clouds are formed in the atmosphere.
The more the Hydrogen atoms condense together to become clouds, can also give it the strength to steal Electrons from smaller cloud formations which are travelling close by and passing underneath it. With this process, will make that cloud formation so much more larger and compacted, and it will also being to concentrate the Electrons as well, and Lightening discharge begins from one large powerful cloud to another large almost equal sized cloud. Once lightening begins, starts an unbalancing state of the forces of electrical power, and a war in the sky begins, until all the Electrical power has been lost down into the ground.
Planet Earth has gained much of that mass of manufactured Electrons, the clouds lose their attraction force, and disperse as a fog of moisture, or are dissipated by becoming raindrops that fall down onto the ground.

The photons are known (To me) as heat and light, and this heat warms up the Oxygen atom, which makes the Oxygen molecule expand, and because an Oxygen atom is hollow and round like a ball, it will be forced upwards by the smaller cooler more compressed condensed Oxygen atoms below it, like air bubbles in water.
Our atmosphere, the air we breathe, is an ocean of Oxygen that all creatures use to living, have evolve to ingest it into their lungs to be used as mainly as a lubricant for our muscles, and to keep all the Electrons in our brain separated, which is essential to keep our brain from shorting out, like it does when we are starved of this Oxygen bubble.
If there is no oxygen in the brain an unrepairable damage will occur . All the stored Electron memories will have been mixed up together, and no thoughts or memories can be formed.
A floating hydrogen atom holds mostly only two oxygen atoms. It is a good catcher of Photons (Heat) The oxygen atom, being hollow, lets the hydrogen inside of it. This is why water can not be compressed, even though it holds a lot of oxygen atoms.
If you took the oxygen out of that water and put it on top, you know that the oxygen can be compressed, but not the water. When Oxygen is in water it becomes incompressible because the hydrogen is inside it. Like filling a tennis ball with water, it will also become incompressible.
So, a hydrogen atom is carried up into the atmosphere by two oxygen atoms that has become warmer by the Suns photons and has gained the strength to push itself away from it other Hydrogen cousins in the ocean and then is bombarded with Photons that can now be converted into Electrons. (As explained above.)
When they have formed a reasonably compact cloud formation and have manufactured more Electrons, it has gained the superior force to bring more Hydrogen together and this forms small water droplets, and still small enough to stay air born and this is what forms the clouds.
The more electrons the hydrogen atom is forced to carry, the stronger those electrons become and can attract more nearby hydrogen atoms to make even larger water droplets, until it has become so large and heavy, Earth's gravity makes them fall to Earth.
This is a very basic explanation.
This wonderful Godly creation of physics collection, is so very complicated, it is difficult to list everything that happens and can happen to them under different climactic circumstances. Everything changes from day to day season to season.
So, the next time you complain about the weather forecaster’s productions, think. Could you do any better with this amount of detailed knowledge about the climate weather?
Repeat the explanation…
When there are two levels of clouds, each going in the opposite directions over and under each other, then the largest clouds; having the more electrical muscle and stronger attraction force, will rip the electrons out of the smaller cloud. Causing the smaller cloud to disintegrate into a more divided hydrogen atoms cloud because the hydrogen atoms repel force becomes strongest. It will then be absorbed or drawn in to the larger higher cloud.
Now you can understand why there are difference sized rain drops. Some of them that fall down from the heavy storm clouds are so big we can hear them coming like a stampeding herd of elephants. And other times we see clouds of fog. All because of the level of the attracted Electrons attached to it. Cool hey?
Watch this video below to see falling water having the ‘Electrons’ stripped from it and the water pushes itself apart.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Photons are so under rated.

A Photon with a travelling wave pattern.

Photons and Electrons.

Photons becoming Electrons.

We use them everyday to live. But what are they really?

For an example, we can use the many different Crop Circle patterns in these pictures, that can give us an idea of what ‘Photons’ really look like, and how they are formed into ‘Electrons’ and also their rotational behaviour as they are being captured by the Hydrogen atom molecule, that is uniting them with simular or the same kind of created matter.
The gold bars we have in our banks are the result of digging it out of the ground, purifying it, then heating it until it melts, and after cooling, will eventually become the gold chains or rings we so love to own. Pure gold means, it has little impurities inside it and is a reasonably soft metal in this state. Most gold jewellery in the shops has had other metals added to it to make it a much harder metal and will last much longer than jewellery made from pure gold.

All matter (to put it in the simplest terms) is trapped Photons spinning around themselves.
Hydrogen captures the Photons and joins them together to form a particular Electron.
“There’s Gold in them there hills!” They cry.
I also believe that Lightening makes Gold and other metals too, such as Titanium or Copper etc, are created by the massive amounts of Electricity that is generated in the condensed warm storm clouds. The lightening; having to smash its way through the rain to reach the ground, there, some of the Hydrogen droplets are hit by the lightning strike, and are fragmented or altered to become a particular metal structured atom and falls onto the hills as Gold or some other metal. This has been happening for millions of years and by now has created large amounts of precious metals scattered around the world.

How can I make this assumption? You may ask.
In the pursuit of our scientists to find an endless supply of free energy, our scientists have made an unusual breakthrough in part, of finding that when the Palladium foil is used in their ‘Cold Fusion’ experiments, they have ‘surprisingly’ found microscopic amounts of different types of metal at the bottom of the container, after running a currant through the foil that was submerged in deuterium (Heavy water, or Sea water, Hydrogen), finding metals that was not there before the experiment began.
‘Fusion’ is not quite the right word to use. It is actually ‘De-fusion’, because these experiments of bombarding Hydrogen with streams of Electrons, is breaking down the Hydrogen atoms original construction, (Which we see as water) into other ‘Photon/Electron’ configuration atoms, such as a Gold or Copper atom. Most Gold is found in or near a river systems and was washed into clumps by the flow of water created by and from the rain, to accumulate in the corners or bends because of the slow moving water in the streams, to become the veins or deposits of gold we have now discovered so far.
The Gold that is found deep under ground was made thousands of years ago and after many years of wind blown sediment has covered it. And as I believe that most of the mountains and rock formations were made when Earth was progressing towards where it is today, (See, The creation of Earth blog) millions of years ago was once an Ice planet; just like Titan is today. Earth came across small Planets and Planetoids, and Earths stronger gravity drew them bit by bit, like a vacuum cleaner dismantling a clump of softly compacted dust, drew it down to Earth, which would have looked like dirty brown and sandy rain, and these massive amounts of fragmented particles created all of the mountains and high grounds we can see today.

Photons converted by hydrogen and possibly oxygen might have a role to play here as well, which has made the Electrons; come in many shapes and sizes. One type is the simplest of constructions ‘Electricity’ which we use to run our homes with or our light bulbs that are made to de-fragmentize the ‘Electricity /Electrons’ back into their original form which was Photons. This is what we see as ‘light’. This is the most comment type of Electrons, from the thousands of different Photon constructed Electrons there are.

On a different track…
Plants draw up hydrogen by their root system, by the natural force of Capillary action, created by the dense closely knitted fibres inside the plant stem formation. Capillary action works because the fibres can keep oxygen molecules out, this creates a vacuum effect in the stem, and the hydrogen is then pushed the hydrogen up through the fibres by the higher pressure of the outside atmosphere.
Photons are of many types.
We can see these differences or types of mass Electron constructions, as different colours. But what we see as reflected light, are really different types of spinning and vibrating Photons, which are spinning at different speeds. The reflected light we see, such as Red, is the Photons that is hitting a mass and are being ‘reset’ by that vibrating mass on which it hit, and are being sent back out in all directions at a particular vibrating speed. Our eyes are converting the Red vibrating Photons, converting them by the Hydrogen water in the eye, and are converting them into Electrons to have the same vibrations speed, and these electrons are being sent to our brain by the nerve fibres at the back of our eyes. Our brain then tells us this is a red vibrating electron because of its spin speed.
Our hearing is basically doing the same thing with sound. We know that sound is vibrating air that hits our ear drums and our ears convert that vibration into a particular vibrating Electron, that our brain understands as a level of pitch speed of sound. A low slow or deep sound comes through to our brain as a slow vibrating rotating electron. All created by the fluid in the sound canals in our ears.
I can not believe that a ‘Photon’ has a speed controlling mechanism built in; we just haven’t measured them correctly yet. I believe that the light that has come from a Star 10 million light years away is travelling very much faster than the light that is coming from our own Sun.
To contiunue…
The plant spreads the hydrogen over the top of the leaf surface, and there, the Photons are captured by the hydrogen, it is then converting them into the particular type of electron that the plant needs, and rejects the photons it can not use; and we see these rejected photons as the colour or a shade of green.
Plants take the converted photons into Electrons inside the plant to build more of itself.

Scientists dilemma! Getting off the track a little but…
I’m sorry; I must have missed something along the way in my studies about Life on planet Earth and in the universe!
I was told at school, and in all the text books I have read, is telling us that plants make Oxygen, and also expels carbon in that photo synthesis process. Wow that’s great isn’t it?
Maybe this is a silly question but… Why are we constantly cutting down these trees that produce our life giving oxygen? When will there be not enough oxygen to go around for the entire living things to breathe on this Earth? Answer. Never, because plants do not make oxygen. .
Because now I hear from N.A.S.A that they have found Hydrogen on the moon. And very quietly saying that it has only one (1) Oxygen molecule attached to it.

This is where a lot of people are becoming confused. If they have said that only plants make Oxygen, then why is there Oxygen on the moon? Does this mean that at some stage in the life of the moon, there must have been plants growing on it, to have produced the Oxygen under the crust? No, because plants do not make oxygen.
For more years than I would care to admit, I have had this uncomfortable feeling that these scientist haven’t got a clue with what’s going on in a plants life. What they have been telling us is all been a complete and unadulterated lie, because these so called clever scientists have no real idea where Oxygen really came from, so they just assumed it must be from the photosynthesis process from the plants leafs that makes oxygen.
Oxygen was always here on Earth, as frozen ice, because Earth is an Ice core planet.
Read about that story here on my blog.

Now come on people, get a brain!
How on Gods Earth could life have ever begun on a barren super Sun blasted hot planet when there was no atmosphere to start with to support any kind of plant life beginnings?

As I have said many times, Plants do not make Oxygen. If you believe that they do, then you have to ask yourself. How can plants make Oxygen when there was no Oxygen to use to grow when life began on Earth? I hate to repeat myself, but it seems it just ain’t sinking in to your per-programmed minds.
Just thought I would give you something to think about, instead of believing everything you are told by many idiots.

Oh yes PS: Plants do not produce or expel carbon either! Power plants do. But the biggest polluter is the Jet airlines, this produced carbon is being released 30,000 plus feet up in our atmosphere, this is what is causing global warming, amongst other things. Power stations are not a big deal when it comes to pollution, because it is at almost ground level and the carbon that is produced falls to the ground within a few miles. People have always complained about their washing or curtains getting dirty because they live down wind of the smoke stacks. Jets are the problem, but even that carbon falls to Earth in the next 3 to 4 days.
The ‘increase in air travel’ has caused the ‘increase of carbon’ in the atmosphere. Reduce that, and then we will have cleaner air everywhere!
Not finish my thoughts here. More to be added soon.
Please make a comment if you disagree with my assumptions about anything here. I want to find and know the truth about as much as I can before I die. But be nice.
Just dreaming again, by Roy Savill.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Electrons are creating Gravity. Remove them at will.

There has always been people who in their life have wanted to know what is the cause of Gravity. Me being one of them. Even as a child I wondered why nobody seemed to ever considered Magnetism as the answer. This strange unseen ability of a magnet to influence iron particles and hold on to other magnets indefinitely. I thought that this was a good place to start on my investigations to its cause.

But my journey took me on a very long round about way, for me to get to the correct and indisputable conclusion that it 'is' the Electrons that is creating the Earths Gravity Magnetism.

Here is that journey...

Are you an open minded person? A person who has a good understanding of how things work in this complicated world of science and physics? Such as ‘Mass in motion’ or ‘Straight line resistance’ and ‘Every action has an equal and opposite reaction’. And, my all time favourite, ‘Gravity’. Because you are going to need it…To prove that what I am about to tell you, is not all true.

Part One.
Removing the ‘Gravity causing Electrons’ from almost any matter.
The Egyptians used it, and Edward Leedskalnin with his incredible ability to cut up and maneuver larger than 9 ton coral stones from out of the bedrock with second hand equipment and had no heavy duty motorised cranes or mechanical motorised winches found at his property of the famous Coral Castle in Florida. He used it too. As I explained to Colin Andrews by email.
“Hi Colin, I have been giving you clues right from the start”. I sent him some pictures I found from the secret Pharaohs chamber walls explaining how they used it in the pictogram's form. The bulbous looking machine with the snake on its side, which they used to perform this incredible feat of magic to be able to move massive cut stones by levitating them.

If you have ever seen these pictures, or been fortunate enough to have visited these Egyptian ruins. The disc’s with the cobra snakes on both sides which is over layed on out stretched wings above the doorways of the Pharaohs private area. This is depicting that machine, looking at it end on, so as not to give away to much detail to the peasants or their slaves.
“The Egyptian Gods went out onto the water at night in their reed boats to hunt down the Electric Eels, not just for sport, but to catch them and to use their electrical power in that bulbous machine”.

An email letter I received from John Anthony West, who has been researching Egyptian history for many years, pointed out to me that there were never ever any Electric Eels in Egypt. He even gave me a Wikipedia web link explaining where the Eels lived, mostly In South America. I know this already. But he failed to acknowledge that the Egyptians were very good sea faring people and sailed through the Mediterranean Sea out through the Gibraltar straits then out into the Atlantic. And from there they explored many other countries to discover more treasures to bring back for their Gods. I can imagine the explorers’ joy of discovering this amazing creature that swam in fresh water, breathed air, and could kill things that was many times larger than itself.
What a prize find that was surely taken back to their beloved Gods. And the exciting thoughts that this creature could somehow be used as a powerful weapon to ward off their many enemies that they knew were always after their great wealth. This is why there were Electric Eels in Egypt. Letting the Eels free in their especially built and prepared lakes, so they would breed up in numbers and multiply to be used as an incredible supernatural weapon to smite anyone who dared threaten their empire. With that witnessed astonishing power, the spoken word of that power would have surely and swiftly spread throughout the world and would almost guarantee to the Egyptians a very safe future. That they truly were indeed untouchable Gods.

To be able to continue with this story you will have to change sites. It is too difficult to create another html file. Please visit... 1 One.doc 2 Two.doc 3 Three Updated2010.doc

Dream on by Roy Savill

The Devil is amongst us. God too, and You.

God gave humans free will, but 'You' need to know, there is a catch! And it's a BIG one.
Whatever form you have developed in your mind that describes the devils existence. Religion has always told you 'It' has horns and a red skin and a long forked tail living in hell full of fire, waiting for you to sin, and when you die that's where you will go.

Now, to me, this story is/was just a fear campaign by the ruling parties of yesteryear for the gullible uneducated peasants of ancient times, and of course if many really beieved this misguided assumption has no place here in our modern twenty first century society.

But I do agree that there is a 'Positive and Negative force' that none of us can truly understand that is in our minds and everyday thoughts. It has the ability to either control our actions or influence our behavior in some way. It can spur us on to do great and heroic deeds or it can entice us to do deceitful hurtful things to others.

We all know that to be able to live a decent happy fulfilling and peaceful life, we must have balance. To put it into words that you understand is... Greedy compared to Sharing, and Hate compared to Love. Is just a couple of examples of life's important balancing act treats.
I have no proof that reincarnation of humans is correct. I have not the slightest of proof that our actions or deeds in our past life had a bearing on the life we are living here on Earth now. And I have no proof that the life that we are living now will governed what kind of life we will receive after this one is done, governed by our deeds and behavior in this one.
It could be just bad luck that some people were born blind, and some born deformed, and some that suffer a living hell while they are living today.
I have my own beliefs, and I do believe that all of the above is true. And I am going to make very sure that I have a very good chance of receiving a very good life the next time around. Because I know that I am nothing but organised electrons, in an organic constructed mass called a body, that is just a machine for me to experience this life with. But my soul, my electrons, will never die. They will live on forever and ever.

God and the Devil. Positive and negative, love and hate. Listen to your thoughts, take a moment to study your actions, are they really from you and 'your' mind, or are they what the entity wants you to do and think? And we deffinitely need to keep reminding ourselves how absolutely evil each and every one of us can be. No exception. There is a killer in everyone of us.
If we have this 'pre warning-defence' knowledge that we are and can be controlled by these entities, then we might be able to recognise some of the signs of this manipulation being perpetrated upon us, and just like flicking a light switch to on or off, can instantly take back control of our own mind and actions. If we can see that what we are doing right now is not in our best intersest or others best interests, then we might be able to stop the next Holicaust that is surely coming for us all. The signs are now very real.
Please remind yourself every day... Visit this site below.
An example of what I am talking about is a real and horrifying event that took place here in Australia a couple of years ago.

A man was so incensed by rage, caused by this evil entity that had taken control of his every thoughts, because of his weak mind and unawareness he was being controlled, which made him take his daughter; in a car drive over 7 miles and then throw the poor defenceless child off a very high bridge to her certain death.

We must understand that there is this entity in our minds that will influence us. And I believe that God is one of those entities, and indeed, the Devil is the other.
Now, doesn't that explain most of your actions your entire life?

Dreaming on for a wonderful future for humanity and all life on planet Earth. by Roy Savill

Tailor made is killing you. Additives in cigarettes.

An open letter I wrote to the Australian Medical Association.
Dr Andrew Pesce.
In my opinion 'Plain cigarette packets' will have no effects on the sale of tailor made cigarettes. And it is a pathetic effort from the Government to force people to give this habit up. Just another tax grab is my thought. Attacking the venerable defenceless public, instead of the companies who peddle this killing substance. Pathetic efforts, Again!

Hello Andrew, It is quite puzzling to me, why nothing is being said about the Phosphor (Gun Powder) that is being put in the tailor made cigarettes. Having studied, as an enthusiastic amateur, of the many scientific disciplines, such as Atomic energy, Centrifugal forces, all the Physics discoveries I can get my hands on, and many of the wonderful chemistry discoveries too, for most of my life adult life.

And knowing that this one very volatile destructive chemical additive substance that the tobacco industry is putting in their cigarettes just to keep it burning. I know that some of the microscopic particles of this Phosphor enters the mouth or lungs. And it is this substance that is causing most of the damage to the cells in the human body.
I have performed an analysis, because of my curiosity and interest in this subject, by asking and observing the health of people I know who smoke. I have no proof of my findings, but I do believe that the people who smoke the pouches of tobacco like Drum, that are make their own cigarette (roll your own) are not suffering from any form of health problems that is associated with smoking.
So there is something in the ready made cigarettes that is very unhealthy to humans.
Just a foot note here…
Humans have been ingesting smoke for thousands of years, going right back to when we were cave dwellers and I am sure due to evolution, the human nature, has had time to develop a protection system which is know as increased mucus in the lunges that is excreted as is needed. But Nature and the human body has no idea what Phosphor is because it is not a natural ingested Earth substance and our system defences can not and does not protect us from it.
Hoping you will take this information as worthy for more investigations.
Yours sincerely Roy Savill

Mind How We Go. Because, 'they' are watching us.

I have been asking myself for many years that 'I don't know who I am' and what I should be doing with this life that God has given me. I couldn't seem to find a path that I felt was the right one. Always feeling confused, uncomfortable and impatient.
Now, although I keep worrying about my financial situation, think I have found what I am suppose to do. It's to spread the word to like minded people around the world who want to listen. My guidance or instructions came from an unexpected spiritual medium, and it came as thoughts in my mind. Listen to this beautiful mind and you may also see what I mean. Dreaming on by Roy Savill.

Dolores Cannon is one of the foremost pioneers in regression hypnosis, using a technique that she pioneered over 30 years ago that allows her to access the subconscious mind of her subjects. She believes by use of her technique that she gains access to the Universal Mind. Her objective is therapy for her clients, and ultimately an investigation to recover lost or hidden knowledge into who we really are. Author of numerous books, including "Conversations with Nostradamus" and the 3 volume series "Convoluted Universe" as well as several others, she has toured the world, speaking at conferences, appearing on tv shows and many radio shows.
I had the good fortune to interview Dolores in late February 2010 while at the Laughlin UFO Congress. She is a tireless investigator and fearless chronicler of the vast reaches of the human mind. This interview gives a glimpse into the method behind her approach and some of the secrets she has uncovered in the process of delving into the deep recesses of the mind and psyche. Her clients reveal lives that encompass many states of being including those of various ET races, extra-dimensionals and other denizens inhabiting this vast multi-dimensional multi-verse. She is currently teaching healing using her unique approach to therapy and hypnosis.

Monday, May 3, 2010

God? No God? The mind plays games with us.

"Knowing that my actions and words can bring violent repercussions from the hidden secret government thugs, but here I am doing the same ol thing..."

Do you ever remember someone telling you, “Don’t worry so much, sleep on it and you will see things differently in the morning”? It happens to me all the time. And I wonder if it’s a self defence technique of my spiritual self or soul, or is it ‘something’ that is trying to control my behaviour in my vulnerable defenceless state. After all, I do believe that there is a God, so there must be an opposing force to that God. Wouldn’t you think?
Luckily I get back control of my thoughts of yesterday, and see that I should indeed worry about this madness that is sweeping this world, and I should at least keep trying to wake others up, to be able to see it too, over a nice cup of Tea in the morning .
Do you think I’m crazy?
I’m not alone with those thoughts. Read this below.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Carbon Capture the Easy Way. But no takers.

"If I only had a brain, I might be able to answer my own questions".

But even me asking the people who should know, arn't telling. I asked of CSIRO scientists a question about an idea I had that I think WOULD collect 99% of the carbon from the burning of coal in the power stations.
As most of us know, every time we go out after a good hard rain, the air has become pleasant to breathe, it seems to be fresh and clean, for a while at least anyway.

You remember that freshness in the air don't you, makes you feel good hey?

Well that's because...

The air has been washed clean by the rain.

So I asked the clever people at our top scientist department here in Australia.

'The question'.

"If they funnelled the smoke to be released at and up through the base of the huge cooling towers; or even build separate one's for this job.
The cooling towers are used to cool, condense and recycle the water that came from the boilers under the coal burning fire which produced heat that heats the water and turned it into rapidly expanding steam vapour which drives the turbines that gives the passing iron magnets the ability to collect the Electrons from out of the atmosphere and then sends it to your homes. The water is then re-used again.

It would be easy to send the smoke through pipes, up through the condensing steam and this would catch and collected the carbon; trapping it in the cooling condensing and falling water. This is precisely the same process that real 'Rain' has of contaminants in the atmosphere. The rain that is falling down inside the towers could be channeled for filtering to remove the carbon, and then after drying put the carbon back into the empty coal trains that delivered the coal, and dump it back in the hole to where it came from.

This is why I have called my Blog. 'Royman the invisible'. Because no one is answering my questions.

I thought that this was a good question, but… That was about two years ago and no answer ever came back. I wonder why. Roy (Shortened version)

One of Life's little joys!

I never think any of life's little joys are little. To me they are unbelievable happenings, a miracle is happening, because your joys and sorrows are just a bunch of electrons re-acting with other electrons. Now that's magic. God's magic.
Enjoy your electrons that God has given you. They are giving you life.
Be good. By Roy Savill
Fish breathe under water. Right?

Fish swimming in a fish tank need to have the water cleaned by a filter as well as to replenish the Oxygen supply that was taken out by the fish’s gills.

What happens to the oxygen after the fish is finished with it?
And why did the fish need oxygen in the first place?

Hydrogen, is an ‘electron constructed’ atomic water structure, and in its normal state, carries 2 Oxygen atoms. H2O.
Every living thing on this planet needs Oxygen to live.
Oxygen is a lubricant, and a separator of the body’s electrical signals, but mostly it is a cushion to separate the fibres of the muscles in the body, to prevent the fibres from rubbing together. After heavy exercising of your muscles you sometimes feel pain in them, this is because they are deficient in the Oxygen cushioning effect, and the muscle fibres are now rubbing against each other, and are being damaged by that rubbing. This disruption/friction; breaks down the electron construction fibres that makes up the muscles, which releases some of the electrons back into the photons and photons escape outwards and are is heat we feel in that hot hurting muscle.
Oxygen keeps the electrons signals and memories in the brain separated. When a person is prevented from breathing and replenishing or replacing the oxygen to the brain, the brain can and does ‘short out’ using an electrical term. ‘Causes a short circuit’. This is why some people that are revived after a period of oxygen starvation, will have some kind of brain damage.
Fish gills strip the oxygen off the hydrogen molecules, leaving the hydrogen with no or only one oxygen atom attached to it, making the hydrogen atom less buoyant than the surrounding water and will sink down to the tanks floor. Nothing can grow in this type of oxygen starved water and will become a slimy decaying dead zone.
If the water in the tank is not filtered, then the fish will remove all of the oxygen from the water and everything in there will die of suffocation.
The oxygen is excreted out of the fish’s body and floats up to the surface and then escapes into the atmosphere.
Only burning of oxygen will destroy it.
Plants breathe it through their roots, because the oxygen is taken up with the water that it conveys to the leaf surface for the photosynthesis process. The plant leaf lays the water over the surface so it can capture the photons striking it. The hydrogen converts the photons into electrons and the electrons are used to build more of the plant. The oxygen atom is removed by this conversion action and floats up into the atmosphere.
Plants do not make oxygen, nor do they absorb carbon from out of the atmosphere.
The carbon that humans create by burning Earths captured Sunlight fuels, such as oil, this burning process is releasing the electron constructed atoms back into their original form, photons (Light) and what is left unburnt is the carbon that simply falls to the ground to become more sediment. Carbon can only be destroyed by an atomic explosion.
We don’t really see the light, we only see electrons.
Our Eyes do more than just see. They convert photons into electrons so the nerve ending can carry that signal to our brain. Our brain works only by electrons not photons. The photons pass through the water in our eyes which turns them into electrons.
Everything in this universe is made of Photons.
Photons that have travelled from every conceivable corner of the universe and is collected by our Sun and our Sun is shinning it onto Earth. You are made of photons from this universe.
You should feel very lucky and special.
Just dreaming. By Roy Savill

Centrifuge Drive Force Engine. Are you all blind!?

This graphic clip below explains why my Centrifuge Machine will and does work as a space craft centrifugal drive engine, that runs on electricity collected by Solar panels, collecting and converting the Photons into electrons, taken from the passing Suns, used to run the centrifuge drive engines electric motor.
'I am challenging anybody to tell me why this explanation is not correct'.

As Sir Issac Newton once said. "Every Action has an equal and opposite re-action". With my machine, when the weights are spun, there are two main resisting forces, which are the two tethers attached to the weights.
One of the tethers is a cable, with 'on flex' or give. And the other is a spring 'with flex' or 'give resistance', and the faster the weights rotate will increase its re-action resistance the more it is stretched. An increasing re-action force.
So the centrifuge force being created by the rotation of the weights means, the weights are having to also re-act and re-adjust to sharing of the two resistance re-action forces.
Meaning, when the rotational speed increases, the 'straght line resistance' has caused them to reach the horizontal position level with the top cables, the weights still have to re-adjust its directional pull to be opposing or opposite to the spring resistance.
Too confusing for you? Yeah I know. What is happening is all invisible, only the mind can work it out and see it.
Can no one see that either?
Centrifuge Drive Force. Watch this explanation clip. Pause on each picture.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Creation Of Earth. By Roy Savill

Nobody seems to be asking the most important question. "What is keeping the Molten Core 'Heat' inside the Earth from spreading to the surface crust?"
I know the physics of heat transfer, if Earth was a molten core, then that heat would spread throughout the entire Earth globe. It's the balancing of natural forces. My answer is... The core of Earth is frozen hydrogen.
Now for something really special...
Have you ever wondered where all the Oceans, land, mountains, plateaus and amazingly beautiful 2 mile plus high rocky formations like Angel Falls in South America came from?
Knowing that for millions of years all over this earth of them, are being slowly eroded away by wind and rain, and there is no evidence that there are new formations being created anywhere on this Earth, other than the sediment that is being created by the life that lives and dies and then becomes new dust and dirt.Well, hold on to your seats! After many years of cross referencing the planetary movements and discovering how gravity is being created, by the Electrons, my investigation into this question, I have come to an amazing conclusion. Most of it fell out of the skies. Except the water, that; was already here.Earth was once just like Titan is today, an Ice planet that was once orbiting Saturn. It is now known that Titan has geysers that are spouting out jets of water. Even though it is millions of miles away from the Sun it has created for itself a very thin Hydrogen/Oxygen atmosphere, but is not enough to stop the sunlight (Photons) from hitting it surface, and every time the Sun shines on it, it melts a thin layer of ice, which releases some of the oxygen atoms from the hydrogen, and this is what is creating the thin atmosphere, and in that ice cold vapour, oxygen is released and also Electrons can be created. Earths complex living dynamic system is still creating and increasing the atmosphere, and this happens in the freezing cold ionosphere. Ice from the polar caps are evaporated into very cold H2o molecules that are lifted up, in the summer months, to eventually reach the ionosphere and it is there that the Suns rays (photons) can hit and dislodge some of the oxygen molecules off the hydrogen, and this is how it creates more atmosphere. You may already know about some of the deep lakes in the mountain ranges, that at the bottom of the lake it is not able to support life because of the concentration of H1o or none, this lack of oxygen that was dislodged from the hydrogen in the ionosphere, can form clouds that rain down onto the mountain tops collect in rivers and streams to eventually collect in the lakes. Because the hydrogen molecules are without some of there oxygen molecules they drop to the bottom and this is why life can not survive there and why anything that has lived and died that drifts down there will not be destroyed by bacteria, because there is no oxygen for the bacteria to breathe. And this is why we sometimes find amazingly complete fossil remains of fish and animals that are thousands of years old. If there was oxygen there then there would be nothing left to fossilise. With more and more electrons being created, just like Titan is doing now, the beginning of Earth’s journey began with an increase of its gravity, and because of this increase; became strong enough to pull itself away from the gravity orbit of Saturn, and then it formed a brand new orbit going around the Sun. Over the next Millions of years, getting ever closer to the Sun, more and more Ice was melted and more and more gravity was created, more and more pools of water that became lakes and this is when and where life began. But it was still only icy cold pools of water way back then, and the life that lived and died, was only bacteria, which created ever more sediment, and that sediment became pockets of land where other life forms could begin to evolve, into other life forms. Eventually crawling out of the water and becoming land living creatures. To eventually become the Dinosaurs we definitely know were real. To cut a long story short. Fast forward this evolution of Earth another 140 million years or so. By now lots of different life forms have been created, and there is now many large areas of dry land masses, (which was created by the remains of the land living life forms. (Trees shrubs animals and insects), but still no high plateaus or mountain ranges yet.Then, Earth came upon a ring of small planets, planetoids and rocky Asteroids on its long journey, and having a good gravity now, it was able to grab these small planet rocks and pulled them down onto the surface to form these high plateaus and mountains that we see today, and a lot of the islands that are still here scattered around the world, that we humans are now living on. What remains of these planetoids and asteroids is what we know as the Asteroid belt which is what is left to encircle the Sun in a ring formation just passed Mars. I am also thinking that the life the grew on Earth before that encounter with these planetoids, were the dinosaurs that were roaming all over the Earth, but after that violent collection of rocks and asteroids that rained down on earth, the dinosaurs were killed off, and only the smaller animals were able to survive, living and being protected by a few shallow caves while the rock rain event had past.
End of part one… Dream on by Roy Savill
'CERN' is a fraud. Light, Sunlight, is all they need to study, because everything in this universe is made from Light.