It, to me, is utterly baffling and frustrating to know without any doubt in my mind, the fact that Aliens are unquestionably real. And more often now of overwhelmingly continuous Alien activity evidence of events, is being recorded all over this world. From this information I get a deep sadness and emotional depression of mind by the so many cowardly deniers and their closed minds to this FACT, So many of my fellow humans are still unwilling to join with us to build upon this truth, to be amongst the strong and courageous folks that have taken that last little step and become united with many others, with theirs and mine; hopes that one day or soon to welcome these incredibly advanced life form visitors, from other star systems, in this vast beautiful changing universe.
All my life I have taken an interest with any news relating to the UFO sightings, and am familiar with all the compelling evidence from so many sources and from so many totally reliable men and women from around this speck of dirt, the planet we call Earth.
Without a doubt there is a Galactic Federation that has sent Guardians to earth, that are here to keep us safe from being harmed by renegade pirates of the universe who are willing to take advantage of our vulnerability. It has been happening on earth for thousands of years.
Just like we send troops to another country to keep the peace, they have sent troops to earth to do the same here for us. Without us realising it, we have become ‘Universally Famous’. But I am sure they are thinking of us as such a primitive race of aliens that still can not be trusted because of the way we act towards each other. Our greed and selfishness is no doubt being read about in all their News of the state of Earth reports. And I am sure they also need entertainment just like us, and have produced similar forms of movies with titles like ‘Earthlings behaving badly’ and, The true story of barbarians in outer space.
In any civilization there will always be a power struggle structure and corruption to some extent. WE must now come to the conclusion that we, for one, are being monitored by this federation. They keep sending crafts to test us and to tempt us, to see how we will react and respond to their advancements to our airliners and air space defence systems.
Anyway, this is probably a pointless effort of me trying to change the world’s people’s minds, as I can see that we are already imprisoned by our own making. We have let the so few powerful, by wealth only, greedy selfish bastards that have taken over our lives and are keeping us from welcoming these so many different types of friendly people from the many other solar systems with livable upon planets in this vast universe.
Can you not imagine what it would be like to acquire all their knowledge? To instantly be propelled into a most fantastic future of complete sustainability and harmony? To be able to travel to other planets in just a few days, and meet these other intelligent, loving and caring creatures in another star system? I know without a doubt, it is all there waiting for us, all of it is just one forward step away and it will be ours.
The combined minds of the millions of UFO believers joining our thoughts together. This is a language they can hear and understand and this will sound out to them very loudly. We should at least try it. To try is the only way to find the path of success, I think it will work.
If we choose a day in the year, and a set time, where all the believer minds can be linked by thoughts of a welcoming cry. “Please come and you will be welcomed” and they will come.
But who can organise the world believers to come together? Do you know someone? I will look to see if there is anyone willing to give it a go.
Christmas Day at night with millions of green light pen laser shone into the sky all over the world. They should get the massage. We are the stupid ones after all.
God and I know, this is the only way we can be saved. Just look at the path we are on and you should be able to see it is killing us all slowly. We can not survive what we are now doing to our planet and ourselves.
Also God will always leave us evidence of his creations. It is very unfortunate for the people of this Earth that most of our learned scholars have misinterpreted the evidence of the incredibly beautiful geological formations around the globe without bringing the hands of God creation into the equations.
Evidence! What Evidence?
The Evidence that I have accumulated from many different sources on the Internet from scriptures and videos of their entertaining presentations, from so very many great and good hearted honest researchers, scientist and discoverers.
One particular researcher I listened too, that I enjoyed greatly was a clever man, Dr Steve Austin in the USA. With his entertaining descriptions in great detail, of a possible global catastrophic geological altering force of a Godly like creation, which formed the Grand Canyon and this happening, was only around 12000 years ago. And I believe him.
I am however finding it highly unusual and disappointing that what he has discovered which is to me, a staggering historical enlightening discovery, why then, has his video presentation of this event mysteriously disappeared off the Net. Did he say something he oughtn’t? But suspiciously however, there are many others that have taken over and stepped into his brightly glowing light of this revelation about this Godly event, and has been pushed into the darkest halls of oblivion.
But they do mention is name.
These links are the only record I can find that are directly link to Dr Steve Austin’s discoveries of the Nautiloids (Sea Creatures) in the Grand Canyon sedimentary layers.
Same video at two locations below.
Gods Evidence in plain sight.
My discovery is…
It all fell from the sky, except the water. That was already here in the Ice Core of Earth.
Read my blog for more information. If you dare!
Just dreaming again Roy Savill.
Count the many different layers of evidence of planetoids collection by Earth that rained down onto Earth around 36000 years ago. So many colours did not come from a calm sea.
All my life I have taken an interest with any news relating to the UFO sightings, and am familiar with all the compelling evidence from so many sources and from so many totally reliable men and women from around this speck of dirt, the planet we call Earth.
Without a doubt there is a Galactic Federation that has sent Guardians to earth, that are here to keep us safe from being harmed by renegade pirates of the universe who are willing to take advantage of our vulnerability. It has been happening on earth for thousands of years.
Just like we send troops to another country to keep the peace, they have sent troops to earth to do the same here for us. Without us realising it, we have become ‘Universally Famous’. But I am sure they are thinking of us as such a primitive race of aliens that still can not be trusted because of the way we act towards each other. Our greed and selfishness is no doubt being read about in all their News of the state of Earth reports. And I am sure they also need entertainment just like us, and have produced similar forms of movies with titles like ‘Earthlings behaving badly’ and, The true story of barbarians in outer space.
In any civilization there will always be a power struggle structure and corruption to some extent. WE must now come to the conclusion that we, for one, are being monitored by this federation. They keep sending crafts to test us and to tempt us, to see how we will react and respond to their advancements to our airliners and air space defence systems.
Anyway, this is probably a pointless effort of me trying to change the world’s people’s minds, as I can see that we are already imprisoned by our own making. We have let the so few powerful, by wealth only, greedy selfish bastards that have taken over our lives and are keeping us from welcoming these so many different types of friendly people from the many other solar systems with livable upon planets in this vast universe.
Can you not imagine what it would be like to acquire all their knowledge? To instantly be propelled into a most fantastic future of complete sustainability and harmony? To be able to travel to other planets in just a few days, and meet these other intelligent, loving and caring creatures in another star system? I know without a doubt, it is all there waiting for us, all of it is just one forward step away and it will be ours.
The combined minds of the millions of UFO believers joining our thoughts together. This is a language they can hear and understand and this will sound out to them very loudly. We should at least try it. To try is the only way to find the path of success, I think it will work.
If we choose a day in the year, and a set time, where all the believer minds can be linked by thoughts of a welcoming cry. “Please come and you will be welcomed” and they will come.
But who can organise the world believers to come together? Do you know someone? I will look to see if there is anyone willing to give it a go.
Christmas Day at night with millions of green light pen laser shone into the sky all over the world. They should get the massage. We are the stupid ones after all.
God and I know, this is the only way we can be saved. Just look at the path we are on and you should be able to see it is killing us all slowly. We can not survive what we are now doing to our planet and ourselves.
Also God will always leave us evidence of his creations. It is very unfortunate for the people of this Earth that most of our learned scholars have misinterpreted the evidence of the incredibly beautiful geological formations around the globe without bringing the hands of God creation into the equations.
Evidence! What Evidence?
The Evidence that I have accumulated from many different sources on the Internet from scriptures and videos of their entertaining presentations, from so very many great and good hearted honest researchers, scientist and discoverers.
One particular researcher I listened too, that I enjoyed greatly was a clever man, Dr Steve Austin in the USA. With his entertaining descriptions in great detail, of a possible global catastrophic geological altering force of a Godly like creation, which formed the Grand Canyon and this happening, was only around 12000 years ago. And I believe him.
I am however finding it highly unusual and disappointing that what he has discovered which is to me, a staggering historical enlightening discovery, why then, has his video presentation of this event mysteriously disappeared off the Net. Did he say something he oughtn’t? But suspiciously however, there are many others that have taken over and stepped into his brightly glowing light of this revelation about this Godly event, and has been pushed into the darkest halls of oblivion.
But they do mention is name.
These links are the only record I can find that are directly link to Dr Steve Austin’s discoveries of the Nautiloids (Sea Creatures) in the Grand Canyon sedimentary layers.
Same video at two locations below.
Gods Evidence in plain sight.
My discovery is…
It all fell from the sky, except the water. That was already here in the Ice Core of Earth.
Read my blog for more information. If you dare!
Just dreaming again Roy Savill.
Count the many different layers of evidence of planetoids collection by Earth that rained down onto Earth around 36000 years ago. So many colours did not come from a calm sea.
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