After two years waiting for an answer of any kind, good or bad, from the CSIRO science department here in Australia. You can find a link to my centrifuge machine here on this page.
One other question I asked them was… Is it corrected to say that, The reason why water boils at room temperature, being way below the real boiling point of water, which is 100 degrees C.
When put in a progressively increasing vacuum, it looks like it is boiling, but only is because the pressure of the atmosphere is being mechanically lifted off the Oxygen molecule inside the water, so that the Oxygen is being allowed to expand to a greater size.
As we all know that the higher you go up, the thinner the atmosphere becomes, because the Oxygen molecule is so much bigger up there, and because there are less of them, they take up more room, as compared to their size at ground level. Like gradually inflating or blowing up a squash balls, small at ground level, to the size of a beach ball at as high as it can get and sitting on top of all the other oxygen molecules.
Our body, our lungs at that higher level, can not take in enough of them, or an efficient amount of them, being at that larger size, for us to be able to breathe and live. But our body can adapt to this change, given enough time.

I have a sneaky suspicion, after years of studying this science stuff, that the Oxygen molecule is made up from many hydrogen atoms, in a spherical fashion just like a ball, and this is why it can be compressed, or it can expand. And the reason why it can carry Hydrogen inside it.
I have worked out that the Hydrogen Atom is a repelling atom and in its normal vacuumed outer space form, is incredibly small, but still has some electrons locked in orbit spinning around it. These are two different directional force atoms, one repels and the other attracts. If the hydrogen carries more Electrons, this attraction force of the Electrons becomes stronger than the Hydrogen repel forces of the Hydrogen, then they can collected by attraction, the other hydrogen atoms that surround it (In an atmosphere, a Cloud will form, for instance) and they can be clumped together to make large water rain droplets or join together to become oceans and rivers. Plus, of course, the weight of the entire atmosphere sitting on it, keeps them being oceans.
But in outer space they are so very widely dispersed all connected by their orbiting Electrons as far as our Earths gravity reaches and are also what we see as being a nebula plasma cloud, which is the manufacturer of life. Life; as in, Photons becoming Electrons, and Electrons becoming matter.
I’m using the Crop Circle picture to save me having to draw my thoughts.
A Photon in flight.

Photons building upon themselves.

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