Firstly, If you are looking for an intellectually stimulating girl/woman then you will have to hang out where they congregate.An intelligent woman usually likes to also challenge their bodies as well. So I would suggest you take up a sport where both sexes are involved. Tennis or even ice skating.
Is There An Afterlife?
As for knowing whether when you die you and your body is completely disintegrated back into Photons to become part of the universe again. Who would know the answer to that one? Not me. But I have a sneaky suspicion that our organised collected since birth memories by the brain, are chains of fixed Electrons. Our memories are threads of stored Electrons imbedded in a fatty tissue substance, and every time you recall a memory your Pineal gland replays what your brain recorded of that incident in your life. In ancient times the peoples thought of this as a being a persons spirit of the soul (A living separate entity thing, that was occupying a living walking body) and if they walked the recently dead through a narrow deep cut in the rocks, the soul would go into the stone ready to be reborn into another body.Where they got this idea from, I don’t know. But in my opinion they were on the right track.You may think of it as being a ghost that somebody sees, but I believe that ghosts are the spirit of humans that took their own life and are now stuck in a vacuum of in-between worlds.This is only my own pondering thoughts about this subject as I really have no iproof, but hope that when I do dead, it was meant to be by the hand of God, my time his orders, and I will eventually be reborn into another life because I am being rewarded by God for being a nice guy. I do wish this, cos it is hard work constantly being nice in a worryingly greedy and selfish world.
Be good and it may pay off later. It's your choice.
Dream on by Roy Savill.
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