Sunday, April 25, 2010

For Want of a Better Word for the visually impaired.

I really mean, people do not see all that there is to be seen. Most of you are missing the ability to observe everything that is happening right before you. Visually impaired or just lazy.

I’m sorry, but I can not hold back my utter dismay at these so called scientist experts, or all of the Vulcanologists, and of course the blind leading the blind, follow the dumb arse leaders, the Media. Who all keep on referring to the white smoke plumes that is being ejected out of Volcanos as ASH!
When a timber log is burnt, we are left with Ash. When coal is burnt, we are left with Ash.

But when a Volcano erupts, all that we are seeing in the plumes that is coming out of it is multigraded fragmented particles of rock and dirt. And with the recent Icelandic volcano, most of it was just dirty Steam! The very same stuff that comes out of your kettle.
‘Tephra’ is the name we should be using to discribe the matirial that is being carried up into the atmosphere amoungst the ejecting steam clouds. The Magma or Lava is being pushed out by the high pressure build-up of steam that is under the Lava. With every video that has captuered an erupting volcano, also records the released steam being emitted after the fountain or burst of lava. Go find a video and you will see it.

Come on people we should be intellegent enough now to call it what it really is. Lets say it together now…
‘T E PH R A’ dust. And for the dummies, the ‘ph’ in the word is sounded as eff. ‘F’.
Don’t believe me? Look it up.
Ho the humanity! Will they never learn? By Roy Savill.

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