Better start looking again, and refocus your eyes on things that are right in front of you.
Why do we see light coming out of a torch? Its Photons, right? But our brain can only register electrons. So something is happening to the photons that are entering our eyes, that is turning the photons into electrons, and then the nerve endings at the back of our eyes sends that electrical signal message to our brain. A simple deduction I thought. What is inside our eyes? Hydrogen!
Why do we see the lightning in the sky? Same reason as before, 'Converted Photons'.
And why can we see distant plasma clouds in the universe? Because they are generating Electrons that were made in the hydrogen clouds and some are smashing into each other that become Photons that speed outwards eventually to our eyes.
Lightening is electrons, that are being discharged from a dense hydrogen cloud of concentrated electricity, and when it has acquired the strength to discharge some of that electricity, the electrons are being converted back into photons, because of the supersonic speeds of the travelling electrons that are having to push their way through the atmosphere to get to the ground or another cloud, and some of them are being smashed apart by the collision of that atmosphere, of Hydrogen/Oxygen/Carbon etc.
The smashing of the oxygen molecules has then opened a ‘vacuum path’ for the remaining majority of those electrons that will travel through that vacuum hole.
The huge bang we hear (vibrating air) after the lightening, is caused by the surrounding oxygen being able to expand extremely rapidly because of that 'thread of destroyed oxygen molecules' that are then forcibly stopped from expanding and smashing together when they have filled that vacuum hole.
We must also look at the Sun as doing the very same thing as the light coming out from our torch. The Sun is a giant battery magnet that has captured the Photons that have travelled to it from every star in the universe, and these Photons are taken into the Suns Hydrogen core, and are then being converted into Electrons. Electrons are what is creating gravity.
If a planetary body has only a few electrons, then its gravity is small (Like Jupiter), but if a planet has a huge amount of Electrons, then its gravity is huge, just like Venus has a very strong gravity. And also the reason why Comets spark violently when a copper projectile hits it. The high electron store inside its ice core discharges into the metal projectile and electrons are being smashed apart into photons in the discharge process.
The Sun has become so very packed full with electrons, that are continuously being smashed into one another on its surface, and that smashing together is turning the electrons back into Photons, that shoot out as light that shines on other stars and planets, like it does onto Earth.
The reason why the Sun in now very quiet, is because it has now become very close to the centre of the galaxy plain, and the gravity from the centre of this galaxy is concentrating the electrons on the Sun at its equator, which has made the entire Suns electrical forces balanced.
Just thought you might like to read my views on this matter. By Roy Savill.
Why do we see light coming out of a torch? Its Photons, right? But our brain can only register electrons. So something is happening to the photons that are entering our eyes, that is turning the photons into electrons, and then the nerve endings at the back of our eyes sends that electrical signal message to our brain. A simple deduction I thought. What is inside our eyes? Hydrogen!
Why do we see the lightning in the sky? Same reason as before, 'Converted Photons'.
And why can we see distant plasma clouds in the universe? Because they are generating Electrons that were made in the hydrogen clouds and some are smashing into each other that become Photons that speed outwards eventually to our eyes.
Lightening is electrons, that are being discharged from a dense hydrogen cloud of concentrated electricity, and when it has acquired the strength to discharge some of that electricity, the electrons are being converted back into photons, because of the supersonic speeds of the travelling electrons that are having to push their way through the atmosphere to get to the ground or another cloud, and some of them are being smashed apart by the collision of that atmosphere, of Hydrogen/Oxygen/Carbon etc.
The smashing of the oxygen molecules has then opened a ‘vacuum path’ for the remaining majority of those electrons that will travel through that vacuum hole.
The huge bang we hear (vibrating air) after the lightening, is caused by the surrounding oxygen being able to expand extremely rapidly because of that 'thread of destroyed oxygen molecules' that are then forcibly stopped from expanding and smashing together when they have filled that vacuum hole.
We must also look at the Sun as doing the very same thing as the light coming out from our torch. The Sun is a giant battery magnet that has captured the Photons that have travelled to it from every star in the universe, and these Photons are taken into the Suns Hydrogen core, and are then being converted into Electrons. Electrons are what is creating gravity.
If a planetary body has only a few electrons, then its gravity is small (Like Jupiter), but if a planet has a huge amount of Electrons, then its gravity is huge, just like Venus has a very strong gravity. And also the reason why Comets spark violently when a copper projectile hits it. The high electron store inside its ice core discharges into the metal projectile and electrons are being smashed apart into photons in the discharge process.
The Sun has become so very packed full with electrons, that are continuously being smashed into one another on its surface, and that smashing together is turning the electrons back into Photons, that shoot out as light that shines on other stars and planets, like it does onto Earth.
The reason why the Sun in now very quiet, is because it has now become very close to the centre of the galaxy plain, and the gravity from the centre of this galaxy is concentrating the electrons on the Sun at its equator, which has made the entire Suns electrical forces balanced.
Just thought you might like to read my views on this matter. By Roy Savill.
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