Hi Colin, With those recent video movies of the two UFOs that swooped down and then shoot off with amazing increasing acceleration, leaving that beautiful bright ball of light spiraling, which was a 'hydrogen charged ball of water supercharged with electron/photons' a vortex bubble of light behind as the craft disappears back into outer space again, plus the double sonic boom, made me go goosy, which I am totally convinced was real. But, if you using that footage in mind, and go back to the Norway Spiral event, and imagine that the space craft started that Norway spiral at this end first, and then sped off leaving a blue hydrogen with a lower electron/photon intensity trail behind it. It would give everybody the thought that it had come from over the hill to where it stopped and then did its wounderful spiralling magic hole trick. So I looked at all the replays again with that thought, and I can see this is a very valid point. So if you can find any evidence in recorded pictures or videos of it coming over the hill, could you inform me please. I can not find any yet. What was it that came out of the Space Craft? A Highly charged hydrogen bubble spun and then released from a space crafts bum. Wow! that's impressive, don't you think? Cheers Roy
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