I know the physics of heat transfer, if Earth was a molten core, then that heat would spread throughout the entire Earth globe. It's the balancing of natural forces. My answer is... The core of Earth is frozen hydrogen.
Now for something really special...
Have you ever wondered where all the Oceans, land, mountains, plateaus and amazingly beautiful 2 mile plus high rocky formations like Angel Falls in South America came from?
Knowing that for millions of years all over this earth of them, are being slowly eroded away by wind and rain, and there is no evidence that there are new formations being created anywhere on this Earth, other than the sediment that is being created by the life that lives and dies and then becomes new dust and dirt.Well, hold on to your seats! After many years of cross referencing the planetary movements and discovering how gravity is being created, by the Electrons, my investigation into this question, I have come to an amazing conclusion. Most of it fell out of the skies. Except the water, that; was already here.Earth was once just like Titan is today, an Ice planet that was once orbiting Saturn. It is now known that Titan has geysers that are spouting out jets of water. Even though it is millions of miles away from the Sun it has created for itself a very thin Hydrogen/Oxygen atmosphere, but is not enough to stop the sunlight (Photons) from hitting it surface, and every time the Sun shines on it, it melts a thin layer of ice, which releases some of the oxygen atoms from the hydrogen, and this is what is creating the thin atmosphere, and in that ice cold vapour, oxygen is released and also Electrons can be created. Earths complex living dynamic system is still creating and increasing the atmosphere, and this happens in the freezing cold ionosphere. Ice from the polar caps are evaporated into very cold H2o molecules that are lifted up, in the summer months, to eventually reach the ionosphere and it is there that the Suns rays (photons) can hit and dislodge some of the oxygen molecules off the hydrogen, and this is how it creates more atmosphere. You may already know about some of the deep lakes in the mountain ranges, that at the bottom of the lake it is not able to support life because of the concentration of H1o or none, this lack of oxygen that was dislodged from the hydrogen in the ionosphere, can form clouds that rain down onto the mountain tops collect in rivers and streams to eventually collect in the lakes. Because the hydrogen molecules are without some of there oxygen molecules they drop to the bottom and this is why life can not survive there and why anything that has lived and died that drifts down there will not be destroyed by bacteria, because there is no oxygen for the bacteria to breathe. And this is why we sometimes find amazingly complete fossil remains of fish and animals that are thousands of years old. If there was oxygen there then there would be nothing left to fossilise. With more and more electrons being created, just like Titan is doing now, the beginning of Earth’s journey began with an increase of its gravity, and because of this increase; became strong enough to pull itself away from the gravity orbit of Saturn, and then it formed a brand new orbit going around the Sun. Over the next Millions of years, getting ever closer to the Sun, more and more Ice was melted and more and more gravity was created, more and more pools of water that became lakes and this is when and where life began. But it was still only icy cold pools of water way back then, and the life that lived and died, was only bacteria, which created ever more sediment, and that sediment became pockets of land where other life forms could begin to evolve, into other life forms. Eventually crawling out of the water and becoming land living creatures. To eventually become the Dinosaurs we definitely know were real. To cut a long story short. Fast forward this evolution of Earth another 140 million years or so. By now lots of different life forms have been created, and there is now many large areas of dry land masses, (which was created by the remains of the land living life forms. (Trees shrubs animals and insects), but still no high plateaus or mountain ranges yet.Then, Earth came upon a ring of small planets, planetoids and rocky Asteroids on its long journey, and having a good gravity now, it was able to grab these small planet rocks and pulled them down onto the surface to form these high plateaus and mountains that we see today, and a lot of the islands that are still here scattered around the world, that we humans are now living on. What remains of these planetoids and asteroids is what we know as the Asteroid belt which is what is left to encircle the Sun in a ring formation just passed Mars. I am also thinking that the life the grew on Earth before that encounter with these planetoids, were the dinosaurs that were roaming all over the Earth, but after that violent collection of rocks and asteroids that rained down on earth, the dinosaurs were killed off, and only the smaller animals were able to survive, living and being protected by a few shallow caves while the rock rain event had past.
End of part one… Dream on by Roy Savill
'CERN' is a fraud. Light, Sunlight, is all they need to study, because everything in this universe is made from Light.
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