Sunday, May 2, 2010

Fish breathe under water. Right?

Fish swimming in a fish tank need to have the water cleaned by a filter as well as to replenish the Oxygen supply that was taken out by the fish’s gills.

What happens to the oxygen after the fish is finished with it?
And why did the fish need oxygen in the first place?

Hydrogen, is an ‘electron constructed’ atomic water structure, and in its normal state, carries 2 Oxygen atoms. H2O.
Every living thing on this planet needs Oxygen to live.
Oxygen is a lubricant, and a separator of the body’s electrical signals, but mostly it is a cushion to separate the fibres of the muscles in the body, to prevent the fibres from rubbing together. After heavy exercising of your muscles you sometimes feel pain in them, this is because they are deficient in the Oxygen cushioning effect, and the muscle fibres are now rubbing against each other, and are being damaged by that rubbing. This disruption/friction; breaks down the electron construction fibres that makes up the muscles, which releases some of the electrons back into the photons and photons escape outwards and are is heat we feel in that hot hurting muscle.
Oxygen keeps the electrons signals and memories in the brain separated. When a person is prevented from breathing and replenishing or replacing the oxygen to the brain, the brain can and does ‘short out’ using an electrical term. ‘Causes a short circuit’. This is why some people that are revived after a period of oxygen starvation, will have some kind of brain damage.
Fish gills strip the oxygen off the hydrogen molecules, leaving the hydrogen with no or only one oxygen atom attached to it, making the hydrogen atom less buoyant than the surrounding water and will sink down to the tanks floor. Nothing can grow in this type of oxygen starved water and will become a slimy decaying dead zone.
If the water in the tank is not filtered, then the fish will remove all of the oxygen from the water and everything in there will die of suffocation.
The oxygen is excreted out of the fish’s body and floats up to the surface and then escapes into the atmosphere.
Only burning of oxygen will destroy it.
Plants breathe it through their roots, because the oxygen is taken up with the water that it conveys to the leaf surface for the photosynthesis process. The plant leaf lays the water over the surface so it can capture the photons striking it. The hydrogen converts the photons into electrons and the electrons are used to build more of the plant. The oxygen atom is removed by this conversion action and floats up into the atmosphere.
Plants do not make oxygen, nor do they absorb carbon from out of the atmosphere.
The carbon that humans create by burning Earths captured Sunlight fuels, such as oil, this burning process is releasing the electron constructed atoms back into their original form, photons (Light) and what is left unburnt is the carbon that simply falls to the ground to become more sediment. Carbon can only be destroyed by an atomic explosion.
We don’t really see the light, we only see electrons.
Our Eyes do more than just see. They convert photons into electrons so the nerve ending can carry that signal to our brain. Our brain works only by electrons not photons. The photons pass through the water in our eyes which turns them into electrons.
Everything in this universe is made of Photons.
Photons that have travelled from every conceivable corner of the universe and is collected by our Sun and our Sun is shinning it onto Earth. You are made of photons from this universe.
You should feel very lucky and special.
Just dreaming. By Roy Savill

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